The Nightmare Before Christmas

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It's Christmas at the dare house. The house is covered with lights on the inside and outside. The group is currently decorating the Christmas tree. Well, ALMOST everyone. EEeEE isn't there at the moment and Arsen is simply sitting in the corner. He looks extremely bored. Flicker looks over as he hangs up an ornament.

Flicker: Arsen! Come decorate the tree with us!

Arsen: (narrows eyes) I don't have any arms genius.

Flicker: (gasps) I'm so sorry! I just wanted to help you feel be-

Arsen: Yeah yeah just shut up would you?

Flicker sighs and returns to decorating. Gavin looks around after a minute.

Gavin: Has anyone seen EEeEE?

Skitty: She said she was getting more decorations.

Shy: What kind of decorations?

As if on cue, EEeEE comes down the stairs dragging some intestines behind her. Everyone gasps and backs away. Flicker runs off to the bathroom to vomit. We're not sure how he did it but he did. Gavin gags at the guts hanging from EEeEE's mouth.


EEeEE: (muffled) What else am I supposed to do with them!?

Gavin: Please just get rid of them!

EEeEE drags them off into the kitchen, leaving a blood trail on the carpet.

Rocky: Why do we keep her around again?

Gavin: Every dare group needs that one person. That's why.

Rocky looks over and just shakes her head. She looks to her right and noticed a jack-in-the-box.

Rocky: When did this get here?

Rocky starts to crank it. Pop Goes the Weasel plays before a hand pops out holding some envelopes. Rocky jumps back.

Rocky: Woah!

Gavin instantly runs over and takes the envelopes.

Gavin: Well looks like we have some dares for Christmas!

Amid the sea of groans, Gavin opens the first letter. His smile immediately drops and his eyes widen.

Gavin: You know what? Dares are overrated anyway!

Rocky: Oh no you don't!

Rocky snatches the letter from Gavin and starts to read it.

Rocky: This dare is from XenoSaiyan who wrote this:

Here's another dare for fun: I dare Popplio to dress as a Primarina for the day.

Rocky snickers at the dare. She looks up to see Gavin trying to sneak out the door. She runs over and blocks him.

Rocky: Where do you think you're going mister?

Gavin: (sweats) Um....Walmart?

Rocky gives him a look. Gavin throws his flippers in the air.

Gavin: You know how I am about Primarina! I will not degrade myself in such a manner!

Rocky sits there for a minute before calling out.


Skitty jumps up and EEeEE runs out of the kitchen.


All three slowly advance on Gavin. Their grins are haunting.

Gavin: No! No please don't! NOOOOOO!!!!!

~Time Skip~

The girls walk down the hall with grins on their faces. Rocky calls out to the rest of the group.

Rocky: Boys! Come here and see this!

Flicker, Arsen, and Shy come over to them. Flicker has to help Arsen over a bit.

EEeEE: We have a surprise for you!

Flicker: (sweats) Does it involve any more organs?

EEeEE: (frowns) Shut up.

Rocky: Presenting......Grace!

Gavin comes flopping in in a Primarina costume. He's wearing a wig and a pearl headband on his head. His tail seems to be an old blue sock with foam triangles glued onto the sides. He has on a frilly collar which probably came from an old tutu. He's got tons of white body pain and makeup. Everyone instantly bursts into laughter. Gavin looks miserable.

Shy: Hey baby you busy Friday!?

Shy starts laughing even harder. Gavin just smirks.

Gavin: No, but I don't want to get bird flu.

That shuts Shy up pretty quickly. Gavin huffs and flops over to the second envelope. He opens it up and his eyes widen again.

Gavin: Oh you gotta be kidding me!

Arsen: What? Do we get to see you in a bikini next? (snickers)

Gavin: (growls) Shut up!

Gavin remembers he's on tv and quickly forces a grin.

Gavin: This next dare is from Torchic_lil_chicken who dared this:

I dare y'all to kill all infinite spiders!

Everyone stands there for a second. Arsen finally speaks up.

Arsen: What the heck is that supposed to mean?

On cue the room starts to flood with spiders. There are literally thousands of them. Everyone screams and starts stomping them.

Gavin: Well that's all we have for today! Everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Everyone: BYE!

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