Dare 12

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Gideon: We are ready to do part two!

Mabel: I can't believe most of our dares are for Dipper and Pacifica

Gideon: Speaking of which, where are those two?

Mabel: Probably doing the Dead Girl Walking choreography, but real

Gideon: Who ever thought they'd be a good pairing?

Mabel: Um, everyone

Gideon: Doesn't Pacifica have to be his companion or something?

Mabel: So does that mean she's with him?

Gideon: Probably! But we need to use your house for filming

Mabel: Let's get over there *walks outside* Oh, Gideon

Gideon: Huh? *walks outside* Oh

Dipper: Well it's not my fault you find me attractive

Paz: I do not find you attractive!

Dipper: You do

Paz: I don't

Dipper: You most certainly do

Paz: I don't!

Dipper: You do

Paz: I don't

Dipper: You do!

Paz: I don't!

Dipper: You do!

Paz: I don't!

Dipper: You do!

Paz: I don't!

Dipper: Kiss me

Paz: *pauses* What?! No!

Dipper: Damnit

Gideon: Guys, are you ready or not?

Mabel: Yeah we kind of want to perform Meant To Be Yours right now

Dipper: I'm the only one doing anything in there,

Gideon: So let's add on Yo Girl!

Mabel: I get to be Chandler!

Gideon: Let's ask people if they'll join!

Mabel: I'll ask if Candy will be Heather Duke

Gideon: Can we ask two of yours servants if they can be Veronica's parents

Dipper: I get to be JD

Paz: I get to be Veronica

Gideon: Cody can be Ram and I'll be Kurt

Mabel: Okay let's do this!

* * *

Mabel: Grenda's holding the camera

Gideon: Alright, we're going to film outside first

Grenda: *holds camera* Alright guys, ready?

Every one but Grenda: *nods*

Grenda: *plays music*

Candy: *staring at Paz* Martha Dumptruck took a belly flop off the old male bridge last night, holding a suicide note

Paz: Oh my god, is she dead?

Candy: *rolls eyes* Just some broken bones. Just another geek trying to imitate the popular people and failing miserable

Mabel, Cody and Gideon: *enter* Yo, Girl. Keep it together. I knew, you would come far. Now you're truly a Heather. Smell how gangster you are

Paz: Martha I'm so sorry

Mabel, Cody and Gideon: Yo, Girl, feel a bit punchy? She's not, looking so well. Still, you've earned that red scrunchy. Come, join Heather in hell!

Paz: *walks into Gleeful Manor*

Random Butler: Where have you been?

Random Maid: We've been worried sick! Your friend JD stopped by, he told us everything!

Paz: Everything..?

Butler: Your depression. Your thoughts of suicide

Maid: He even showed us your copy of Moby Dick!

Mabel: *looks over Paz's shoulder* He's got your handwriting down cold

Maid: Please honey, talk to us

Paz: *shakes head* No you wouldn't understand

Maid: Try me! I've experienced everything you're going through right now

Mabel, Cody, and Gideon: Guess who's right down the block

Maid: Your problems seem like life and death

Mabel, Cody, and Gideon: Guess who's climbing the stairs

Maid: I promise they're not

Mabel, Cody and Gideon: Guess who's picking your lock

Paz: You dunno what my world looks like *runs upstairs*

Mabel, Cody, and Gideon: Time's up, go say your prayers!

Paz: *panics and runs into bedroom*

Mabel, Cody, and Gideon: Veronica's running on, running on fumes now. Veronica's totally fried. Veronica's gotta be trippin' on shrooms now thinking that she can hide! Veronica's done for, there's no doubt now, notify next of kin! Veronica's trying to keep him out now, too late, he got in

Paz: *locks herself in closet*

Dipper: *climbs through window* Knock knock, sorry for coming in through the window, dreadful etiquette, I know

Paz: Get out of my house!

Dipper: Ah, hiding in the closet? Well, *chuckles* you've gotta see what our classmates really signed. All is forgiven, baby, come out and get dressed. You're my date to the pep rally tonight!

Paz:  *stays quiet*

Dipper: You chucked me out like I was trash for that you should be dead, but, but, but, then it hit me like a flash; what if high school went away instead? *pounds on door*

Paz: *jumps*

Dipper: Those assholes are the key, they're keeping you away from me. They made you blind, messed up your mind, *leans shoulder against door* but I can set you free

Paz: *thinks* he really should be in drama

Dipper: You left me and I fell apart, I punched the wall and cried *hits door three times* bam, bam, bam!

Paz: *thinks* honestly, why haven't I seen him in plays at school?

Dipper: But then I found you changed my heart, and set loose all that truthful shit inside! *grins sadistically* and so I built a bomb, *moves slightly away from the door* tonight our school is Vietnam. Let's guarantee they never see their senior prom! *gets quieter than before* I was meant to be yours, we were meant to be one, don't give up on me now. Finish what we've begun. I was meant to be yours

Paz: *leans against the closet door*

Dipper: *backs away from the door and gets louder* So when the high school gym goes boom, with everyone inside *makes gun gesture with hands* phew phew phew. In the rubble of their toom, we'll plant this note *pulls piece of paper out of trench coat pocket* explaining why they died.

Paz: *thinks* god he can be so dramatic, but I guess for this it's perfect

Dipper: 'We the students of Westerburg High, will die! Our burnt bodies may finally get through to you, your society churns out slaves and blanks, no thanks. Signed the students of Westerburg High. Goodbye'.

Paz: *shivers*

Dipper: We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors bring marshmallows, we'll make s'mores. We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars! *leans against the door* I was meant to be yours. We were meant to be one. I can't take it alone, finish what we've begun. You were meant to be mine, I am all that you need. You carved open my heart, can't just leave me to bleed

Paz: *thinks* right, I have to pretend to hang myself

Dipper: *gets angrier* VERONICA! Open the- open the door please. Veronica open the door. Veronica can we not fight anymore please, can we not fight anymore please. Can we not fight anymore? Veronica sure you're scared I've been there, I can set you free. Veronica, don't make me come in there. I'm gonna count to three. *pounds on door thrice* one, *again* two, *pauses* fuck it! *pounds on the door and finally gets it open and rushes inside*

Dipper: *stops and stares* Oh my god. . .*looks at Pacifica* no. . .Veronica! *blinks away tears*

Paz: *thinks* Damn he's good!

Dipper: Please don't. . .leave me alone. . .you were all I could trust. I. . .can't do this alone *stands up straighter* still I will if I must! *dashes to the window and climbs out*

Maid: Veronica? I brought you a snack. . .Veronica? *sees Pacifica's body and screams*

Grenda: *stops recording*

Mabel: We did it!

Gideon: *helps Pacifica down* It was cool

Paz: *looks around* Now where did Dipper go?

Mabel: *sighs* we better find him before he takes the whole note seriously and blows up Reverse Falls High

Paz: He wouldn't do that, would he?

Mabel: Um. . .I dunno *walks out and calls for Dipper* Dipper!?

Gideon: uh. . .dare us more!

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