Dare #1

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LuckyStar187: Bonnie, I dare you to hang from the roof and when Foxy comes, scare him to death swinging off the roof while yelling "fowa" at the top of your lungs!

Bonnie: Heh, knew I was gonna get question like this!

(Looks up at the roof.)

Bonnie: But how am I supposed to get up there?....Hey Mangle, I need ya help!

(A few minutes later, in the west hall.)

Bonnie Thanks, fowa the suction cups Mangle.

Mangle: No problem. (Walks away.)

Bonnie:(in mind)Now all I have to do is wait.

(Two hours later, Chica walks around the corner and sees Bonnie still hanging on the ceiling, a little bit annoyed.)

Chica:(breaks forth wall) Helping him couldn't hurt, right?

(Chica walks over to Pirate's Cove. Foxy's sitting down.)

Chica:(acting panicked) Foxy! I think I just saw Plushtrap!

Foxy: What, where?!?

Chica: Running into the office!

Foxy:(Getting up) Say no more, I got this!

(Foxy starts to run over to the office. Bonnie hears Foxy running over. He gets excited.)

Bonnie:(In mind) Finally, I was getting tired of holding myself up!

(Bonnie gets ready to let go of the roof. Foxy comes running to the west hall. He let go in 3...2...1.)

Bonnie: FOWA!

Foxy: Ahhhh!

(Foxy almost topples over from the scare.)

Bonnie: Heh, gotcha ya.

Foxy: Hold on, that was that just a prank? Oh, you and Chica are dead!

Bonnie:(confused) Wait, what did Chica do?

(Foxy points his finger in Bonnie's face.)

Foxy: Don't act like you don't what I'm talking about. You told Chica to get me to run over to the west hall!

(Chica walks over to the west hall.)

Chica:(Laughing) No he didn't tell me to do anything. He was up there for about two hours waiting for you.

(Foxy looks at Chica, then back at Bonnie.)

Foxy: You were?!

Bonnie: Yes!

(Foxy walks away clapping slowly. Chica shrugs and laughs and walks away too.)

Bonnie: Heh,...

(Bonnie looks up realizing he's stuck.)

Bonnie: Um, guys! Could ya help me get down?!

Foxy:(From a room away) Might as well give you karma right now then later!




Why do I make the simplest of things into small stories?

Welp, Bonnie kinda walked into that one.

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