Question 16

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'I dare Mario to get revenge on Azul!


Mario: Finally someone even cares! :D

Luigi: Ok.

Mario: I'm going to get revenge on-a her! Mwehehehe! Thank you Alex!

Alex: No problem whatsoever. Of course I'd help! :)

Mario: *smiles back* Well-a you know what they say: China today, Tokyo the next day!

Luigi: You made up that saying- and it makes-a no sense; believe me.

Mario: YOU don't make sense!

Luigi: *Puppy eyes* *w*

Mario: Ok sorry e.e

Alex: How about you sneak up to her house?

Natalie (Admin): According to her Wattpad location: she's in some Pokémon forest with a Wifi network.

Mario: Wifi in a forest?!

Natalie (Admin): it's actually possible. I googled 'Wifi in a forest'. When she first followed me, I thought Forest was the Wifi company's name thingy- like BT broadband or whatever..

Mario: *Heroic voice* Let us away to this supposed, so-called Pokémon forest with Wifi! >:D
My horse?

Yoshi: *Runs in*

Mario: *Sits on Yoshi* Here-a we GO!

Luigi: Shut up.

Mario: *Leaves with Yoshi*

-When he arrives-

Mario: Mwehehehe!

Yoshi: (Mario! Look at that little house with a blue door!)

Mario: Hmm?

Yoshi: (This pretty much sums it up. Azul is the world for blue in Spanish.)

Mario: Dora reference much?

Yoshi: (Yoshis don't even have TVs)

Mario: Sorry :3

Yoshi: (Just do something)

Mario: Ok-a. *Gets off Yoshi and bangs forcefully on door*

Azul: *inside* What the exact.. heck?

Mario: >:D *Still banging*

Azul: *Slightly intimidated* W-who's there and what do they want?

Mario: *Deeply* Your blood.

Azul: M-my blood?!

Mario: That's all.. I need.

Azul: I don't read vampire stories.

Mario: well, I'm not in a book; am I? This is-a indeed real.
*Bangs the door chanting for blood*

Azul: Leave me alone! ;-;

Mario: and how would that be, girl?

Azul: By leaving this place!

Mario: Grrrrr...

Azul: *Comes out with a frying pan and whacks Mario without recognising*

Mario: Aye! You're-a hurting me?

Azul: *Notices it's Mario* Oh for the love of-

Mario: Shh.. I can explain.
You see, I'm doing an Ask Or-a Dare thing with my bro on the internet; and someone asked me to do this.

I did want to have revenge on you anyway; after you made me tamper with Luigi. You-a don't even ship it; so why do you care?

Azul: I care to see your perverted side >:D

Mario: *rolls eyes*

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