Question 29

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'Force all of them into an old mansion, and have one character (Whomever you like) Hunt all of them down. If the Single character catches EVERYONE, then he doesn't have to wear... THIS! *Holds up a stinking, wet, moldy unicorn costume* ...I hope you have your barf bags on hand. Eurgh.'


Natalie (Admin) Ooh! I like this! >:D

I nominate...

I most definitely nominate...

I sincerely nominate...

I most truly nominate..

I most certainly nominate..

I certainly nominate...

I strongly nominate..

I, as a Burger King lover nominate..

I as a Wattpad user nominate...

I as a blue-loving girl nominate....

LUIGI! Luigi has to be the single character who is after everyone! Bet he'd only wet himself from fright!

Luigi: Wha-? M-me? :o

Natalie (Admin): Yes. Or I'm wrong..?

Luigi: Were you wrong? Was that a mistake *Slightly relieved*

Natalie (Admin): *Looks at notepad* Nope. It's most definitely you! >:3

KT: *Holds up the disgusting unicorn costume and nods dramatically* >:D

Luigi: Katrinette?! I have to wear that!? Is that what I was nominated to do? ;-;

KT: No, silly. Only if you FAIL what we want you to do -.-

Natalie (Admin): Yup, you heard the Toadette ^^

Luigi: Why is my life SO bad?

KT: I killed somebody in it.. with a knife >:D I took it off the subject's body. That explains why is so disgusting and mouldy. I was in a REALLY bad mood- so the person decided to annoy me with this whole 'Unicorn craze' thing and..





Luigi: Eww! Have you not heard of hygiene. Wait! Let me Goomble it for you! Here's the definition I found when I Goombled it:

conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.

So, Katrinette; you might as well go download Goomble Chrome for your laptop.

KT: You DO realize your talking to me..? -_-

Luigi: Okay.. I'll just get on with the dare..

KT: You're very lucky I haven't reached for my knife yet >:(

Natalie (Admin): Oof! Take it easy!

KT: Says the one who typed out my dialogue!

Natalie (Admin): So I've Skyped Peach. Luckily, all the rest- like Mario were also present. They will all be going into a huge, eerie mansion.. that is really mysterious..

Luigi: I don't like the sound of that ;-;

KT: *Thrusts the costume up to Luigi's face* Or else.. >:3

Luigi: That thing reeks! Stop. Ew.

Natalie (Admin): Luigi! Are you willing to be the villain for the day? How about we give you a super-bad name. How about:

1. Cruel Professor Luigi

2. Poisonous Weegie >:D

3. Green Mean Machine

Luigi: Option #1 is pointless! Do I look like a professor? No. Do I even look or act cruel? Nope. I was bullied in high school when I was growing up in Italy. Guess what I did? I went home and cried into my pillow. THAT was how weak I was! Bear in mind: People say men are strong!

Option #2 is so babyish! That's what Mario called me when we were babies. That's so stupid! Who is even going to wimp out and away from someone nicknamed WEEGIE? I highly doubt anyone would! 'Oh look it's the evil WEEGIE! We've got to EVACUATE!'

Pfft. Stupid. Simply and downright stupid.

Option #3. Since WHEN did I become an android/ robot? Am I not ROBOT enough by being an abnormal human being! I was in HIGH SCHOOL! Probably about to begin SHAVING off FACIAL HAIR! Doesn't that suggest how old I was somehow; when I CRIED?!

-At the mansion-

Peach: *Hides* Nat told us there's someone coming after us?

Mario: Like?

Peach: I don't know who, specifically- but any who..

Yoshi: (Is there going to be any fruit?)

Mario: (Perhaps!)

Peach: Mario! You speak 3 LANGUAGES! Wow!

You speak Italian, then you learned English (You're a bit shaky on your grammar.. but still) and NOW Yoshinese! xD

Mario: I love being open-minded! :'D

Peach: I'm proud of you *Hugs*

DK: When is this supposed 'monster' coming?

Rosalina: Not that I know any.. except for Bowser- no offence.

Bowser: Shush you blue-rocking Blondie, fairy- person!

Toad: Dude doesn't know who Rosalina is.

Mona: Guys! Shush! I'm admiring Wario's perfect moustache!

Wario: ^w^


Natalie (Admin): Now Luigi, here's E. Gadd's latest technology: This microphone- the Scare-o-phone 5000! It'll make your voice creepy and pretty deep! Even Mario- as intelligent as he thinks he is will be fooled! ^^

You must navigate your way around the mansion- and try to track your friends down. Also, though.. BEWARE!

Luigi: Oh Ok.. *Shaking*

-After a bit-

Luigi: *Into Scare-o-phone* HELLUH!


Luigi: *Into Scare-o-phone again* IS ANY-ONE THERRRE?

*Shuffling noise*

Ghost: Mwerrreee~ (Who dares to intrude?) *Pops out*

Luigi: *Gets chased down to entrance*

Ghost: *Disappears*

KT: That's one unicorn costume coming UP! >:D

Natalie (Admin): I'm not surprised.. WEEGIE! :'D

(A/N: It's a bit derpy :/ I'm tired; that's all xD It's nearly bed-time here in Europe. Excuse my time-zone, your highness!

This is by far the longest I've written though!


If any confusing things happen to the chapter.. remember


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