Question 3

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''I Dare Mario To Not See Peach For A Month And Luigi To Have To Watch him To Make Sure !!! While He Doesnt See Daisy.''

From- Crystal-Animanga

Mario: *Stares at computer screen* What? Are you-a mental? :o Not see Peach for an entire month! No ;-; That is simply too hard. I can't live without my Peachie-pie, I CAN'T! Not for a second! I-a could never bear with that! Ahem, Ms Crystal Clear! I trusted you! First you ship me with this girl called Natalia or something- and now this!

Natalie (Admin): Mario? I thought you loved me?

Mario: Ugh! But remember? You threw my Wii U down my bedroom window! >:( I'm-a never going to forgive you!

Natalie (Admin): Fine, OK! You HAVE to do the dare! I didn't put up this book for nothing! You always go "They don't call me Super Mario for nothing!" Well if you're so SUPER; then get your butt off the seat and do it! x-o

Mario: *In mind* This is-a going to be easy...

Natalie (Admin): *Goes into Luigi's room* Luigi? Up for a challenge?

Luigi: A challenge? I hope it's nothing like that time where you made me trash Mario's room and-

Natalie (Admin): *Interrupts* And he raged on and on like he was some crazy psychopath serial killer.. I know.. I remember..

Luigi: He wanted to rip off my mustache! ;-;

Natalie (Admin): Well, are you up for a DIFFERENT challenge?

Luigi: Fine- sure, OK.

Natalie (Admin): According to my Wattpad page- and a message from a close pal, Crystal- Mario is to stay from Peach for a month-

Luigi: *Interrupts* Pfft! You think my bro could do that, huh? He couldn't! He loves his-a Peach!

Natalie (Admin): Yes, he can.. maybe >:3 But here's the thing: can you manage this? Make sure Mario doesn't see Peach while you don't see Daisy either?

Luigi: Wait! >:( You've eaten too many mushrooms, have you?

Natalie: No! So go do it *Benson impression* OR YOU'RE FIRED! >:D

Luigi: Heh.. "Regular Show" just never grows old... xD

-A Few Hours Later-

Mario & Luigi: *Whining, groaning and bickering*

Mario: It's your fault that-a I can't see my Peach! >:(

Luigi: It's YOUR fault I can't see Daisy! >:(

Natalie (Admin): Chillax! All you need to do is calm down!

Mario: CALM DOWN when there is no chance of having cake or being kissed?! >:(

Luigi: Crystal! You knew we couldn't do this ;-;

Song: Why do you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too~?

Everything the Bros. missed out on:

Daisy's "I Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled Out Party"

Luigi: Even if the whole idea of the party was about teeth, I could've got to see Daisy ;-;

Peach's Birthday

Mario: What?! How unbelievably unfair and unjust IS that? >:( Mamma mia! I wasn't even-a there to sing her a happy birthday:

Compleanno a te! Compleanno at te! Compleanno nome! Compleanno a te! >w<

No! I couldn't get to sing that! Instead, I stayed at home; with boring old Luigi!

Wario's Engagement (Maybe.. sort off)

Mario: Wario is a greedy fat dog! >:(

Luigi: If the guy wants to get married; then let him get married!

Mario: L-Luigi- I think your insane! Let her marry PEACH?

Luigi: At least it was cancelled, right?

Mario: You don't get it, do you? -_-

Outcome of surviving that whole month:

Mario: It was terrible!

Mounsieur Broque (Because why not): Sacre bleu! ;-; Luigi! Zat arm of yours! Why does vous have zat sling?

Luigi: Mario tried to eat it -.-


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