Question 32

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'Can Luigi cook? XD'


Mario: Yeah! No.. actually. He can't! Seriously. What kind of Italian doesn't know how to cook? That's-a crazy. In the Mario family, it has been a long tradition that everybody cooked. It doesn't even matter if you're a boy or girl. Just KNOW it anyway. Eek! Luigi is such an embarrassment! O-o

Luigi: Mario! You didn't know how to cook-a when you were little!

Mario: I did. I began making pasta when I was-a just six!

Luigi: SIX!? Only six?

Mario: Yeah.. Weegie >:3 but don't-a be so surprised.

Luigi: Where was I?

Mario: Watching me :3 but even though you did watch me making it. You don't have a single bull's notion how it-a goes! 0-o

Luigi: First it's spoons; now meals! ;-;

Mario: Weegie, it's our tradition! You'd-a buckle up your belt; because you're in for a rough ride.

Luigi: Why do you-a have to embarrass me!

Mario: Says the Italian who CAN'T cook! xP

Mama: Ooh! Look at my babies :') All-a grown up with moustaches! *Kisses Mario's cheeks*

Mario: *Embarrassed* Mama..

Mama: So Luigi, are you-a any better at making ravioli?

Luigi: ;-; Actually.. *wobbles*


Mama: *Faints dramatically*


Luigi: ;-;

Will Luigi carry on the Mario family's tradition; or will stagger on, in embarrassment- without being enlightened about cooking? XD

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