Question 38

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'I dare Mario to be in a dress and get kidnapped.. a character of your choice can save him.'


Natalie (Admin): This is like one of the dares we've had before! I like it! >:D

Luigi: I better not be the dress person -.-

Katlyn: You won't! ^^

Luigi: Good xD

Natalie (Admin): The person to be in the dress is...

Mario! Mario has to be the one in the frilly and pink frock all day! >:3

Mario: Bu-

Katlyn: No buts! >:3 *Gives outfit to Mario* Go now and be a good bo- I mean girl; and get into your dress!

Mario: *Stomps off complaining*

Luigi: Pfft! Oh Mario~! I wonder what he'll look like! :')

Peach: And he'll get to know what being a damsel in distress feels like.

Yoshi: (Obviously it's terrible)

Natalie (Admin): Luigi! Be the bad guy! ^^

Luigi: Me?! No way! I suck! Don't you remember that Cruel Professor Luigi thing? O-o

Natalie (Admin): But it sounded cool- seeing as you are tall and everything.

Luigi: My bro is just behind by a few inches..

Katlyn: Seriously. Be the bad guy and steal your bro! >:D

Luigi: *Rips of t-shirt and only has shorts on and a mask like Mr L*

Natalie (Admin): That looks so hot! *-*
Now ultra-hottie-Weegie; go kidnap!

*Camera adjusts and we see Mario in the dress- up a tree- taking a bite out of an apple*

Mario: *Just chewing like a camel*
Mm! This apple is super good! :D

Luigi: *Sneaks up behind the tree with a smirk*

Mario: I thought I-a heard a rustle. Never mind. *Hums*

Luigi: *Grabs Mario violently off the tree out of nowhere*

Mario: *Shrieks in actual surprise* MAMA SAVE ME!

Luigi: *shoves Mario into a large sack*

Mario: *squirms violently and cries*

Hi! So, AzulTheRaichu I apologise for making you wait so much for your dare. I still have it- and you'll see it pretty soon (:

This was rather rushed ;-;
Thank you! :)

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