Question 41

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'Mario, what do you think about Yoshi, be honest!'


Mario: *Sees that "Yoshi" is in your username* /// *Gulp* What I think about-a Yoshi? Hehe~ ^w^Ok, I think Yoshi is a great friend! He's amazing! He really is! Despite what MatPat from Game Theory thinks!

MatPat: That was legit! :o

Mario: *Adjust camera and presses to record*

Hello and-a welcome to MARIO Theory! A place where MatPat is yet to be .. "criminalized" *Same theme song as Game Theory's channel*

So-a you all know MatPat, right? The guy who tries to make me seem bad! Well here I am to tell the truth!

So, if you've watched that episode of his, entitled "Mario Is Mental" and the part 2, "Mario Is Mental 2" he mentioned that I, Mario "Jumpman" Mario, is an abusive psychopath! With antisocial personality disorder! Well, the bit about Yoshi..

You know how he says I punched him in the-a head in Super Mario World 3? Well I was just giving a tap! A tap! I never knew MatPat could be someone who loves to JUST OVER-REACT!

Natalie (Admin): For your information, he ALSO mentioned, and showed a frame- that Yoshi flinches before he gets punched in the back of the head. Poor ol' Yoshi! I even googled about it. Google "Yoshi Flinches" and go to Images. You can clearly see, in one of the images. That someone has got out the sprite of Mario from on top of Yoshi; and he clearly has a fist out! ;-;

Mario: Well, heh.. /// But what if it was a glitch? You know.. like an error? Heh... *nervous*

MatPat: Well, that's another theory for next time, here on Game Theory! MatPat signing out! xD

Azul: Mario you pyscho! -_-

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