Question 46

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'Lol I fight with them all the time x3 Hey bros, what if i told you Luigi was my favorite ^^'


Luigi: Well-a, thank you Katlyn! :') Everyone knows that I'm  the most kawaii out of Mario and I! I'm glad you think so!

Mario: I think my.. heart has just been struck.. </3 You broke my heart.. *faints*

Luigi: Stop pretending! :o

Natalie (Admin): D-don't worry! I'll get an ambulance! *Dials*

*Paramedics take him away*

Natalie (Admin): *Rubs hands together* That's been taken care off >:D Now, off you go with your bro! You'll never have to worry about Mario for the next while!

Katlyn: Care for an ice-cream? xP

Luigi: Sure thing! :D

*They rush off*

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