Question 50

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'I dare Mario to.... DRESS UP AS LUIGI and vice versa!!!! Hehe luigi might have a date that day.... MWAHAHAHA *cough*'


Mario: I don't-a want to be Luigi! o-o

Luigi: C'mon! You deserve it.. after hogging up the spotlight all these years!

Mario: I'd rather blow up my favourite Kart than be my own bro! ._.

Natalie (Admin): Mario, don't be rude! Both of you; change your clothes! It's part of a dare, as usual!

Mario and Luigi: Ok then :3 *They rush off*

~Once they have finished~

Natalie (Admin): Wow~! A taller Mario and.. uh, a shorter Luigi! xD Okay, so off you go. I would like you guys to take a stroll around Toad Town in your 'costumes'. Enjoy! >:D

~Toad Town~

Luigi: For once in my life I feel important :'D I've never felt like the bigger bro!

Mario: *Rolls eyes* Your hat wreaks! How is it-a you hardly wash it? >.<

Luigi: It-a doesn't. Why, I wash it 2,0000000000000000000000000,00000000 times a day.

Toadsworth: *Walks by and faints* THE HORROR!

Toad: Get a Refreshroom! QUICKLY! Hallllp! ;-;

*Other Toads start freaking out*

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