Question 52

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'Hey bros how would YOU react to this???? *takes their hats, Fludd, and Polterguster* *sticks them in king boos mansion with Bowser and king boo there*


Mario: My hat! My beautiful hat! My Papa gave that to me when I was born! ;-;

Luigi: *Cries like a baby* Katlyn! That wasn't very nice!

Mario: W-wait! Where ARE we? *Looks around*

Luigi: We're in.. King Boo's Mansion! ;-;

Mario: What? How! :O

Luigi: A-and.. I haven't got the Poltergust 3000 with me! 

Mario: *Shouting* Luigi! Didn't I always tel you to bring it when we're in a ghostly environment?

Luigi: Mario! Be quiet, will you?! Anyways, do you feel that breeze. Damn.. it's so cold! *Feels head* WHAT?! AND NOW MY HAT IS MISSING TOO?!

Mario: Luigi! Papa and Mama are-a gonna kill you! Our hats have been past down for generations. That's the reason why most of our ancestors in Italy.. most of their names started with either M or L!

Luigi: *Nudge* Mario. You haven't got your hat either! 

Mario: *Feels head* What!? What are we going to do? I don't have the F.L.U.D.D. either!

Luigi: Well.. you said he'd  broke after that whole adventure with Bowser in that bathtub and that-a island infested with graffiti.. :3

Mario: I-a know.. but the professor kindly repaired him; so I've had him ever since.

Luigi: Shh..

Mario: Huh~?

Luigi: *Whisper* I hear something..  I-I feel there's something behind us.. *Whining* M-Mario if we die.. I'm so sorry I told Peach that you sing about her in the bath.. ;-;  At least she said it was cute..

Mario: *Hissing, clenched fists* You-a WHAT?! Luigi.. *Blush*

*Creepy noise intensifies*

Luigi: *Holds hands with Mario in fear*

Natalie (Admin): *Whispers jokingly* Mario x Luigi! Best ship EVER! XD

Mario: Nat! Shut up! It's just-a brotherly compassion! >:(

*The place fogs up suddenly*

Luigi: *Shrieks* Mario! We're gonna die! :'O

Mario: *Sigh* If only you had your little vacuum; we could've sucked up the fog.. 

???: Open your EYES!

*Fog ceases, Bowser appears holding the Poltergust 3000*

Luigi: My-a Poltergust! ;-;

Bowser: Guess who's the "Ghost Hunter" now! >:D I've even sucked up King Boo himself! Now I'm going to rule the entire WORLD! No-one can dare stand in my way!

Mario: *Raises eyebrow* Do you ever get-a tired of this "taking over the world" thing? I'm pretty sure I would have given up after the first time Peach was kidnapped.

Bowser: No baddie ever gives up! Only wimps do!

Luigi: *Taps foot impatiently* Yeah.. right.. now since you've sucked up King Boo, may I have the Poltergust back? Thanks..?

Bowser: I have more greedy rulers to suck up! Like that god-awful Princess Daisy with her whiny voice! >:( And, of course, many, many more!

Luigi: Not everyone is-a gonna fit in there! I never knew you were THAT stupid..

Mario: *Whispers to Luigi* Luigi.. remember what-a Miyamoto had said when you had your first ghost- hunting adventure? He said that the Poltergust is able to take up and infinite amount of mass- but don't let-a  Bowser know.. 

Bowser: What is it, plumber!? Spit it out. Got something to share with Green 'Stache and I? >:|

Mario: No.. I don't. Give my brother his Poltergust and off with you.. o~o

Bowser: *Shrugs* It's absolutely useless anyway. I'm off to abduct E. Gadd for a newer Poltergust model that can store an INFINITE MASS.

Mario: *Pfft* Good luck with that.. >:P

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