Question 60

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"Hey Mario Bros! I am so glad that you guys got your revenge. I was wondering if we can all have a game tournament of some sort. That would make my day! Also I would like to meet all the rest of your friends! Thanks Bros!"


Mario: :D It's been a real pleasure to-a have you around!

Luigi: Y-yeah! :D I felt so much better when I stood up to Waluigi!

Katarina: As I said, I'm glad to have helped you! ^w^ No problem! You know what? How about we do a little something.. Don't you guys feel bored, too?

Mario: Yeah. A little. It's-a been so quiet since I put our Wii U in for repair ;-; It-a sucks not being able to play Smash whilst having petty arguments with Luigi >:3 Or.. trying to annoy one fine heck out of him by taunting each time I win.

Katarina: I see you two really DO love video-games.. Speaking of video-games; is it true that Peach gets kidnapped? 

Mario: *Shrugs and looks over at Luigi*

Katarina: What's the matter? Don't know what to say..? >:3

Mario: It's just.. we do not wish to discuss  that sort of.. uh- information with you.. :3

Katarina: Oh. Okay. I'm cool with that! ^^ *Smiles*

Mario: *Smiles*

Katarina: I've been thinking.. how about we have some sort of game tournament? :) It would be so much fun! *w*

Mario: A game tournament! Sounds fun! :'3

Katarina: Soo.. I'm thinking we get all our friends together and dare each other to do something! >:D

Luigi: *Wobbles* T-that-a doesn't sound very nice.. 

Katarina: It's not supposed to! It's for fun! xD

Luigi: *Innocently* I-if it's not nice- then how would it be fun..?

Katarina: *Shrugs and smirks* Oh.. well you'll see..

//the game starts//

//everyone gathers in the living-room//

Katarina: So, who'll start? :3

Peach: *Raises hand* Mee~! I wanna dare Mario! ^w^

Katarina: Oh. Okay then.. ^^

Mario: *Folds arms and taps foot* .. :3

Peach: Mario, I dare you to enter a.. SUBMARINE!

Mario: *Scared* Ooh.. heh- Peach.. *Fake laugh* I-a don't really think that dare is possible. I mean- heh.. you have to pay for that and-a all.. *Wobbles*

Peach: Don't worry ^w^ I actually got it free; because I had a voucher! Though it'd expire next month but- oh well- lucky me! Tee- hee!

Katarina: Y-you already had the submarine sorted out? H-how did you know I was even thinking of playing this game? O.o

Peach: Well, Mrs. K; under these golden locks lies a great brain! 8D *Points to head proudly*

Katarina: Creepy. Yeesh.. *Walks away from her  dramatically*

Mario: *Lies* Heh.. princess.. my stomach is *Nervous giggle* sort of hurting.. I don't think I can play this.. anymore.

Katarina: Ooh! And let me add this; if you wimp out on a dare- you'll have to wear this! *Holds out a disgusting unicorn outift*

Natalie (Admin): Do you remember it, WriterGrl360? I mean, the unicorn outfit? xD If you DO- you sure do have a great memory.. >:3 And.. have a nice day! ^^

KT: *Pushes out from behind Peach and Mario* Hey! Where'd you get that!?

Katarina: Oh, hi! You must be Katie! ^w^

KT: I'm no Katie... quit being pathetic. And, seriously Mario, pretty much anybody can handle a submarine! v.v

Peach: Now.. now.. Katrinette; there's no need to be the sour milk..  *Folds arms*

KT: C-can you stop calling me that?! I think we've talked about that already! >:(

Mario: *Groans* Mamma mia! F-fine.. I'll do the stupid dare already!

Natalie (admin): I don't really think you should be calling it stupid since it's Valentine's day tomorrow and it WAS in fact a dare from your own girlfriend! x'D Happy Valentine's Day in advance! 

Ps: How are you doing, geeklings! :D I know you're wondering why I'm tagging you. It's because I'm introducing your OC into this chapter down further! Have a nice day too! ^w^

Flora: Hmm.. let's just hope Valentine's Day will be good tommorow.. King Dad is just the meanest *Rolls eyes* He can't stand.. what's the word.. oh yeah- COMMONERS. Except I don't like using that word; I prefer saying "non-royals" Like- when Luigi sends Daisy chocolates, he sends in these men to make sure they're not poisoned.. *Sigh* In this sort of lab place..

Daisy: Haha! x'D And remember the little chocolate hearts he sent me last year? Dad was questioning that green mint on it! Over-protective much? 

Flora & Daisy: *Burst into laughter*

Katarina: Honestly! get on with it! O.o

Peach: Oops.. sorry xD *Drags Mario out the door*

//Subamarine place x'DD//

Peach: Why are you so scared..? 

Mario: I'm not. It's just.. 

Peach: *Nods* ...

Mario: *Sigh* I-a took this submarine trip back in Brooklyn.. it was so scary because.. something very scary happened ;-; I'm blaming Luigi- and.. I'm blaming myself too. 

I promised Luigi that when we left Italy all those years ago, that I'd take us somewhere nice in Brooklyn. *Sigh*

Peach: But Mario! If you don't go into the submarine and face your fear, you're gonna have to wear the stinking costume!

//Sound effect when phone starts recording on camera//

//everyone stares over at Flora//

Flora: *Holds down phone a little bit* W-what? Doesn't it feel good seeing our hero being so cowardly for the first time? It's something you see very rarely- so i'm recording it..

//Everyone continues staring//

Flora: *Quits recording* Oh.. Okay. I'll~ just delete that.. xD

Katarina: So.. do you want to? >:D

Mario: *Gulps* I... don't .. want.. too.. 

Luigi: Mario! Forget about what happened in Brooklyn!

Mario: *Begins to cry* I-it's impossible! It's left a scar! ;-;

Katarina: Well then.. 

I have no choice.. >:D >:D

*Holds up smelly unicorn outfit*

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