2 dares!

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Hey guys!

B.Ruby:HELP MEH!! Ben gon kill meh!! *runs behind me*

Ben:*appears on tv* U ARE GONNA HAVE A TERRIBLE FATE!!

Guys! Stop running Coz Slenderman is gonna punish ya guys if ya keep running like idiots

B.Ruby:and here I thought u wanna choose sides

I would follow Slenderman's orders if I were u(unless it involves killing the people I love...)

Slenderman:very good child, u two better behave or I will ground you...

Ben and B.Ruby:yes sir...*dagger eyes at each other*

Yuri:u got two dates for today!

Monika:who are those peeps?

I'll tell u the second one later. The question and dare are both from CeCeanimations !!

Everyone except the peeps who have their SO:we don't want that dare!

Ben and Sally! And don't worry, I gotta boyfriend!

B.Ruby:wait...u have one already?!

In the Sonic World of course!

(Read my Ask or Dare the Sonic Character book then you'll know what I mean)

Ben:yea...Sal's adorable...if only she's here to calm me down in this situation I'm in. She's usually playing with dolls when she was 8.

Sayori:aww that's cute!

Jeff:yea...that's what wusses do...


Sally:Hey guys I'm ho- Ben! *hugs him* how are ya doing?

(She's 16 in my book and Ben is 16 as well)

Ben:Hey Babe, I'm doing fine...Jeff calls u a wuss and I don't know what to do with him. *innocent face*


Guys, lemme handle this! *Pushes Ruby to Jeff*

B.Ruby:*gets pushed and falls on top of Jeff*

While they are blushing red like blood, my OTP in DDLC is Sayori and Monika and Natsuki and Yuri
But I personally like all 4 in a platonic way or as a family even tho...u know who also no spoilers.

B. Ruby:くそ...-//////////////- 💢💢



Jeff:not my problem *****

*about to cover Sally's Ears*

Sally:Don't...I'm like you now!

Oh...I'm just not used to people swearing in front of kids...

Sally:well I'm not a kid no more

Lazari:Me neither!

Natsuki:Don't worry Sal and Laz, I can relate...

Yea...also got another dare!!

Hey before we give our opinion we should check on Slenderman.*looks through a window to see Slenderman with Grinny cat* okay now we can watch!


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This one is...honestly...weird...Slenderman doesn't even rap unless...

Jeff:Definitely Boss.


B. Ruby:...Slenderman

-everyone voted for Slenderman-

I got to be honest, Freddy sounds like Barney...no offense...next vid!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

B.Ruby:I don't know...it's hard...Slenderman is still on point but Bladi is savage!

Jeff:...I agree but I still choose

Sally:I don't know...I still like my dad better tho...

Laughing Jack:Baldi more like BALDY MCLEAN!!

Everyone else:Oooooooohhhh!!!!

-most peeps said Slenderman is better-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Definitely Sans!


*remembering my brother playing as Ness in Smash bro's...so annoying...* just don't like Ness...Coz my bro play as him and it annoys me...when I lose...

Ben:you shouldn't have done that...

I know that!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Tattletale can beat Bendy good...


Smile:Master, who's better at rapping?

Jeff:None...I like Ruby as a rapper



B.Ruby:*singing Satisfied from Hamilton in a shower*

Jeff:*listens to her from his room since his room is next to hers* oh damn...

-end of flashback-




Jeff:what does that mean...

Allow me to expl-

Kagekao:You will die.

...yea u should run now...

B.Ruby:SCREEEEEEEE!!!!!*summons her horns and spreads her demon wings and flies towards Jeff*

Jeff:*runs off*

Okay...while at it, let's go to the last vid.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I watched that last time...and I don't care who wins!

Ben:Yea me either!

Sally and Lazari:Princess Peach!!


Slenderman and Grinny cat:*areived at home*

Grinny cat:What's going on here?

Slenderman:Don't worry, they're just having fun and no complaints here! Wait where are Jeff and Ruby?

-meanwhile with Jeff and Ruby-

Jeff:*runs outside the forest*

B.Ruby:*follows him*

Jeff:can't catch me girly! *dodges forest trees easily*

B.Ruby:U jerk! *gets angry and tries to catch him but sees an incoming sharp branch* くそ!! *Gets scratched in the left wing by the branch and falls down unconscious*

Jeff:oh ****** Ruby! *runs to her* you're such a child...*looks at Ruby's face and blushes* a cute one too...

*is running to the Forrest to find Jeff with Ruby* ooh...a love section hehehe*snaps a photo of them and goes to Jeff* Jeff! Thank goodness you're here! And What the heck just happened to Ruby??

Jeff:she...got a scratch on her left wing...

Oh no...I'll tend her wounds as soon as we get to the mansion

Jeff:I'll carry her if you don't mind...

Are u sure about that?


-in the mansion-

Ruby, u shouldn't have stayed home and just hit him on the head

B.Ruby:I know! But perverts deserve to DIE!

I made Jeff feel guilty about it and told him how u feel about perverts...he won't do it again

B.Ruby:...may I see him?

Sure but u stay here while I get him.



Jeff:*knocks*Hey...it's me Jeff

B.Ruby:...come in

Jeff:*comes in* How's your wing?

B.Ruby:getting better...

Jeff:I heard that u kill perverts every time they tried to do bad on ya...and I'm sorry for...'wait this isn't like me...ugh! I guess I'll have to go on' I'm sorry for disrespecting your privacy and u have a good voice tho...

B.Ruby:really? I never have compliments before besides with the sides...

Jeff:how come? You're beautiful...like me! How come? *blushes a little Coz it's corny af*

B.Ruby:...thanks and u are indeed beautiful...other people called me flat...ugly...weird...I mean why can't anyone accept people the way they are? It's this hard to be accepted as an insane person who's been through a lot..

Jeff:Ruby...I've been bullied too and Liu covered it up for me...

B. Ruby:Everyone is insecure...

Jeff:Glad that Kiara even met you.


Jeff:how do u guys met anyway?

B.Ruby:I'll tell ya if the time is right. I forgive u btw...and also, Kiara is just behind you

Jeff:*turns around to see Me*

Hey Jeff, I see u two getting along!


Btw, u two are grounded for a week so u two have to get along.

Jeff and Ruby:already have~

Oh! Great! I'll keep a secret if u catch my drift *wink and leaves them alone*

-in my room-

Oh hey! I see you're still here, thanks for reading this. I know that the ending is so corny XD but I shot care it's MY book and I make MY own story by not copying others so comment down below for more ask or dares! And I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

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