*Insert a very Random Chaos Yet Problem Here*

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NabillaNatasha1 Asks: Twisted: so a question to still goody asshole counterpart dream.

1. What will you do if you know many corrupted nightmares really hate and want to murder any Dream asshole or not?

2. what your reaction if I told you in my au I basically destroy your company and murders a lot of your soldiers?

3. Hey,blueberry wanna meet my error? He will love to AXE you a questions!

DS! Dream: *legit petrified but doesn't show it at all* I-I seriously can't do anything about that you know since all of them are different AUs and for the second one I basically have no comment right now... ;-;

DS! Blue: Haha no thanks I am good! Plus I choose life! ;-;

Me: ... Okay! That took a dark turn!

Ash: No kidding...

ClairtyTheInkAngel Asks: I've Risen from the dead-

Dares: 1.I dare Dream and Ink to kiss you're crush

2.I Dare Cross To sing I'm an Barbie girl


Dare 1!

DS! Dream and DS! Ink: *blushes*

Clair: Do it! >:)

DS! Dream: *kisses Amber*

DS! ink: *kisses Ash*

Me and Ash: *legit dying of massive blushing*

Dare 2!

DS! Cross: Do I have to?

Clair: Y E S ! = )

DS! Cross: ;-; okay okay!

One song number later~

DS! Nightmare and DS! Error: *recording this*

DS! Ink: *speaks sarcastically* Wow never knew you could sing!

DS! Cross: Oh hush! >:(

Kyra-Prime Asks: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- (Sorry for randomness, I'm bored '_')

What's your opinion on school everyone?

Me: Well I am going to give my honest opinion on it! At first it was okay and everyone was cool and all but then after well... that incident I went through and came back to school after what felt like a year it was well weird since I was seeing my classmates after a while but it soon became hell for me! Not because of the immense studying pressure it's because of... reasons and also the many reasons why I left behind my old friends even if they were always defending me...

Ash: It was okay I guess but of course I wasn't well known and everyone called me the emo-girl which I took as a compliment! But of course my life became hell after the many sh*ts I have went through so I am not gonna say anything else!

DS! Dream: I mean it's a good place for people to learn even though me and Nightmare have self taught each other before that incident!

DS! Nightmare: Same as Dream!

DS! Ink: Sounds pretty boring in my opinion!

DS! Cross: Eh it's okay I guess!

DS! Blue: *shrugs* idk!

DS! Error: It's cool i guess! :)

NeroLee__ Asks: Dares:

I dare Amber to bring OG nightmare and dream here

Error has to eat three chocolate bars in front of cross (I felt like ten was too much)

And I dare me and Amber to spray water on ink while saying "BE GONE, SPIDER"

I dare everyone to tell a dark secret about themselves (just because I feel bad for them, here is my dark secret. I'm a hypocrite nerd.)

nightmare, read the small note

You're a simp

Dare 1!

Me: *looks at the chaos in the OG Multiverse through a portal and quickly closes it* I really want to but I can't because of the god freaking chaos happening in there!! ;-;

Dare 2!

DS! Error: Okay!

Nero: *hands Error three chocolate bars*

DS! Error: *eats dem chocolates*

Dare 3!

Me: Haha! yes! *gets the spray gun and gives one to Nero*

Nero: :) Now let's find the spider!

DS! Ink: *was in the living room*

Me and Nero: *starts spraying Ink with water* BEGONE SPIDER!!!

DS! Ink: *legit leaps from the couch and starts hissing like an angry cat*

Everyone Else: xD

Dare 4!

Ash: Do we have to...?

Nero: Yes!

DS! Dream: Okay then... I will go first! I was seriously blinded by my new powers and that's it and yes I was stupid enough to not know the meaning of 'balance' and stop laughing Nightmare! >:(

DS! Nightmare: *trying to control his laughter* okay okay... I bet it's my turn so... um... I have severe trust issues...

DS! Dream: *thinks* again! My fault! *looks away*

DS! Ink: ... Okay... I guess it's my turn... I was technically used as... um... as a military weapon before I met Cross and Dream...

DS! Error: *thinks* what?

DS! Ink: okay Cross' turn! *legit tries to make people forget what he said*

DS! Cross: Okay so you guys already know I have a deathly fear of cows and I steal things!

DS! Dream: no surprise there -_-

DS! Blue: Okay my turn! Before I started working in JR I used to do illegal jobs as you guys might already know!

DS! Dream: Why tho?

DS! Blue: Because to pay my house bills in Outertale but now I don't need to! -_-

DS! Error: I am not sure if I have any tho but about the fact of me being assaulted i guess you guys know that but I barely remember anything...

DS! Nightmare: You must be protected! *protect mode on*

Ash: ...

DS! Ink: *looks at Ash who had the guilty face* You don't need to say anything ya know

Ash: ... Screw it! I killed people before I became this! Great now that's gone from my freaking a** of life!

DS! Blue: okay woman calm down! I can tell you had a valid reason to do it! 0-0

Ash: *cools down after a while*

Me: *literally tries to find ways to get out of this thing*

DS! Dream: Hey Amber you have been pretty silent. You okay plus it's your turn to say something if you have any?

Me: ... *legit holding back tears right now and was shaking a bit while looking down*

DS! Nightmare: *notices the amount of negativity rising from her* Hey are you alright? You seem to be shaking!

Me: ...

Ash: *thinks* oh god no... Not this!

DS! Dream: *goes towards Amber* hey hey! Are you alright? *tries to make her stop shaklig while gently holding her shoulders*

Me: *mumbles out of earshot* I was verbally bullied...

DS! Dream: What?

Me: I WAS VERBALLY BULLIED OKAY!!!! *pushes Dream away making slightly fall back and runs to her room and slams the door shut and was crying*

Nero: ... I never knew about this...

DS! Dream: ...

Everyone Else except Ash:: *freaking speechless at the outburst and was just shocked at what Amber said* o-o

Ash: *thinks* If i could kill those crappy boys it would seriously make my day and they would deserve to get tortured by me for what they have done to her!

Dare 5!

DS! Nightmare: *sees Nero secretly handing him a note which he puts inside his pocket* I will read it later.

DS! Dream: *gets up from the floor and looks at Ash* Will she be alright?

Ash: She will be fine. Just give her some space. Thinking and remembering all this kind of made her go into a panic mode which kind of affected her but she will be fine!

DS! Dream: *nods* okay...

Author Speaking: Just letting you know this didn't happen to me in real life and whatever backstory Amber has is made up by me! More will be known about her backstory later in my other book!

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