The Second Ask!

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Kyra-Prime  Asks: To everyone or someone of your choice: Hiya! It's nice to meet you all! Uhm, small question that will probably get me killed by one if not two skeletons- If you could change one thing that happened in your past, what would it be? Again, sorry if it bothers you...I know all about having negative pasts. -v-' It's traumatizing, or just plain horrible.

Me: *sees the ask* lol hi Kyra and I can tell everyone is glad to have you here and for your question, I really don't have anything to change about my past really and don't worry I don't think anyone will be having the guts to kill you under my watch!

Ash: ... I don't wanna talk about it...

DS! Ink: *shrugs* I don't know really...

DS! Nightmare: Stopping my brother from eating those apples so he wouldn't be a douche like he is now.

Me: Nightmare be nice!

DS! Nightmare: yeah yeah sorry.

DS! Cross: maybe somehow preventing my AU from being destroyed or not make Dream take away Ink who used to be my old friend but I am over it so *shrugs

DS! Ink: *slightly winces*

DS! Error: I don't know since I have gone through amnesia in my life so I barely remember anything.

DS! Blue: Eh! I don't really have anything to deal with to change in the past but I just sometimes wished Papyrus cared about me but who the fudge even cares?

Me: Okay...? Anyways Dream you haven't answered yet.

DS! Dream: ...

DS! Nightmare: Like he has anything he would wants to change in his past. Probably wishes he could kill me when he had consumed those apples.

Me: Night...

DS! Nightmare: *slightly angry* What? I am stating whatever is the obvious I mean come on that's what he always wanted and has been chasing me for months on end! Not to mention basically made me move out so many times from wherever I lived and got me nearly killed a few times!

Me: Nightmare!

DS! Dream: *clenches fists* SHUT UP!!! YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!! STOP ASSUMING THE WORST FROM ME!! *angrily walks away without anyone noticing that he is crying and slams the door to his office and breaks down crying* I just wish I could save Ani before they died from that blood disease...

Me: *gives Nightmare Death Glares* What the heck is wrong with you Nightmare!?

DS! Cross: Um guys?

Me: Can't you for once just realize that he changed!? That's it! You are so getting a timeout till you think of what you said and later apologize!

DS! Nightmare: *gets very nervous and nods* fine... *walks away to his room and slams the door shut*

Ash: Well that escalated quickly...

DS! Ink + DS! Blue + DS! Error + DS! Cross: Agreed!

Me: *thinks* I will check on Dream later till he cools down *walks away*

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