Dare #3

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lillywolfgirl asks: Rip wallet 2019 oh and I dare Fay to hang out with Kane for 2 chapters/dares ;3


Lydia: At least someone feels sorry for my wallet.

Kane: *sighs* I was gonna hang out with Lydia today.

Lydia: Next time? *she smiles*

Kane: Yeah, *he nods*

__Later on in the day__

Kane: *he sighs* So is there anything INTERESTING that you do?

Fay: I bake,

Kane: Anything else?

Fay: Well... I watch anime...

Kane: Well, can we do that?

Fay: Not until I finish baking this.

Kane: Can't we do something that isn't boring?

Fay: Can't you be more patience?

Kane: It's just not who I am, you'll have to learn that.

Fay: Well maybe... Just maybe I can help you learn what patience is.

Kane: Pft- I'd like to see you try.

Fay: Will see about it one-day Kaney.

Kane: It's Kane,

Fay: I'll call you whatever I want while you're my company. After all, I call everyone that.

Kane: 'I swear if she goes off and list name to prove a point.'

Fay: Lylia, Ash, Solo, Kaney, Rairai, K, Nev, Kina, Za, and Angel.

Kane: Who's Angel?

Fay: It's Angi?... You didn't know? He's a real sweetheart, once you get to know him. I've known him ever since I was little kid, but we fell out of touch and...

Kane: You're just getting to know him again...

Fay: And he's still the same person just a little different! Yeah, just like that! You know what I'm talking about! Wow, you're just like one of my old friends I had, he was an Eevee to; I can't really remember his name but you remind me of him, but... God, I completely forgot about him, he was so brave and stuff, just like this other friend I had; she was kinda like Lylia! She was so smart and.... and... I'm rambling on aren't I? *she lightheartedly laughs* 

Fay: Anyway I just gotta get this thing out and let it cool, then we can go watch some anime and talk a bit more. Maybe we can watch this cool new anime I found! It's called Our Hero Academia, I've never gotten around to watch it but I'm looking forward to it!

Kane: Yeah... Sure... 'Just like the old times Fay... Just like our childhood...' 

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