Dare 5 Link can't scream!

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"Link! Someone dared you!" Pauline shouts. "Link?" She asks again. She walks a little further till she hears. "Arrgh! Haa ahh teh!" "Link! What are you doing?" She asks. "That yellow pikmin stole my deku nuts!" Link shouts pointing to a yellow pikmin high in a pine tree. "And your slicing the tree to get it?" Pauline asks. "Yep." Link says as he continues to swipe. "Here let me help!" Tails says flying upwards and grabbing the deku nuts. "Oh thanks Tals." Link says. "It's Tails." Tail's says scowling. "So Link somebody dared you." Pauline says looking at her notebook. "Okay what is is?" Link asks. "For a day you can't scream." She says. "It's a battle cry." Link says. "Scream... Battle cry same thing." Pauline says.
*Later* "*Sarcastic speech* Oh no Link!! It's a enemy!" Mario says sarcasticaly. Link runs up to one of those tall plant monsters that are in the Zelda games, he's about to jump in... He opens his mouth. Pauline gives him a glare. "*sigh* Not a scream." Link says stabbing it. *Ganondorf claps and laughs to himself* "Ohh you heard nothing." He says. "Man Pauline this is hard!" Link says slouching. "I know that's probably why NintendoJedi dared this!" She says.
A few miniutes later.... "Help!!" Zelda screams. "Huh? Princess!!" Link shouts running further. He see's Ganondorf carrying Zelda in a ball of shadow. "Ah...." Link almost says. "Okay sorry Pauline but I got to save the princess... Ahh..." He gets interrupted again. "Wait where's Ganondorf and Zelda?" Link asked. "Pauline? Where'd you guys go?" Link asked.

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