100 reads and Mothers Day Special!!!

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Het guys! It's Ruby here, and I got asks and dares to finish. We basically have a lot of asks and dares from r4151n  and PrincelyEagle29  for today's Chapter of asks and dares. We have to do the asks and dares of PrincelyEagle29 so let's get started!!(summons everyone!!)

Cr:To Ruby, you have to play tea party with...me!!!

Can u take ur mom with you?

Cr:Of course! It's Mother's Day after all

(We have a good time in Creams room...with me wearing a dress like this one)

Cr:I'm glad that you're enjoying this!^^ other people would just say no...there's nothing wrong with tea parties...even though it's girly and Happy Mother's Day Mother!

Ms. V:Thank you Cream ^^

Cri:(comes inCream's room) Is this a princess tea party?! Let me join please!

Cr:sure Miss Crimson^^

-After that-

Thanks for the tea party Cream

Cr:no problem Miss Ruby

Ir:(reads a book but stops and looks at me)
Nice dress Ruby!


Ir:oh and this ones for Rouge

Ro:(flys above Iris)yes honey?

Ir:(looks up) To Rouge, what do you remember about your mother?

Ro:good timing honey, but I haven't see her for a long time...

Oh I can help you with that(summons Rouge's Mother)

(Rouge's mom got summoned and saw her girl)

Ms.Bat:R-rouge is that you?

Ro:(tears up) m-mother!(hugs her mom) I haven't seen you for a long time! Thank you Ruby!

You're welcome Rouge I will summon Shadow(summons Shadow)

Sh:(gets summoned and sees Rouge with her mother)umm...Rouge? Is this ur mother? She's pretty like you

Ro:Yes Shads, an-

Ms.Bat:I approved!!

...Next dare...Tikal has to wear Makeup

Ti:(comes in with Knuckles after hearing a dare)
Nonononnonnononononononono I can't do that...

Kn:You have to...I swear you look beautiful in makeup but ur more beautiful without makeup

Ti:>\\\\\\\< thanks...

Ro:honey, let's get your face covered

-After that-

(Imagine Tikal being pretty)

Kn:0//////////0 so pretty

Ti:Thanks...may I take that off now?

Ro:sure(takes off the makeup)

And last dare from PrincelyEagle29 is that Shadow has to tell his darkest secret and it's only Sonic that he should tell

Sh:(whispers about Black Doom as his dad)


Umm....anyway let's get on with the questions and dares from r4151n

Ir:to Sonic, is it true that you used to date Sally? And if so, are you over her

So:already did Coz Monkey Khan is dating her

Okay...to Tikal, do you partly feel responsible for the actions of your father for causing the near extinction of yours and Knuckles' species?

Ti:yes...but I was trying to stop war...but that's until Chaos came to help and it adds fuel to he fire(meaning that it makes things worse) but it's all good now.

Kn:glad that we aren't extinct...yet

Ash:okay...to Amy, what do you usually shop at the mall when you go shopping there?

Am:oh I don't know...I shop in the mall because I can help my friends out on choosing their dresses for the occasion

So:that's nice!


Olly:next question goes to...Shadow and Rouge...do you sometimes dream of becoming king and queen respectfully?

Sh:no...we dreamed of having adventures together as Team Dark with Omega

Ro:yea I agree

Ash:nice! To Cream, would you be okay with your mother remarrying?

Cr:my mom is a single mother but I'm okay with it but I'm not okay of her marrying Vector...

Ash:oh yea...(whispers to her)Coz he kidnapped you to let her think that he rescue you...


But I ship it...but I also ship him with Espio...can't choose

Ash:Wait...Espio's gay?

Yea...it's in the fan art

Ash:that's cute but he's mine and I support LGBTQ+

Es:(comes into my home with Vector)what's going on?

Gay ships!!! But not any ships from Shadow and Silver Coz...ya know...(looks at Espio's hand holding Vector's)...omg

Ve:what?(realize that he holds the said hand) OMG!!

Ash:(looks at the said hands) Espio I didn't know u were gay or bi I don't know 😱

Es:Ash this is not what it looks like! I-

Ash:dude, I'm cool with that, I was joking about it and I know that ur not gay Hahahah


Anyways...truth for Tails, what's the most difficult machine you tried to fix?

Ta:honestly...it's one of those turbines of the X Tornado...


Ta:yea...that cools OOF the engines but once it broke, the heat will explode the front engines

Ir:huh...next question...it is for me...do you a thing or two about machines like Tails does?...I only know the cool off turbines that can cool off the engine like Tails said. But I'm into Science like I said but I'm sure that I know that one machine but I never knew the name...

It's okay Iris, you'll know the name soon and we are still learning everyday...anyway, to Sonic and Amy, have a singing battle

So:oh you're on for this Ames

Am:let's se who can sing better

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Am:hmpf I can do better

Sh:hey that's my line!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

So...who do you think sounds better


Kn:Sonic even though he got me mad

Well, we can find out in the comments below(please comment down below to see who is better)

Cri:To Cream, hop around like a real rabbit

Cr:(hops around) done!

Ir:cool...to Silver, float upside down for 5 minutes

Si:oh boy...here it goes

-5 minutes later-

Si:(floats back to the ground gently) I'm gonna vomit...

But are you gonna?


Anyway...to Tails...do some death defying flips with the X Tornado

Ta:I can do that.


Ta:(rides on X Tornado and does sick flips...just imagine Tails doing that Coz I'm lazy :/)

And lastly, to Sonia and Manic, you guys have to confess your feelings to your crushes and kiss them.(summons Mina and Ash)

Sonia and Man:-////-

Sonia:A-ash...(not Ash from my side)


Sonia:When I first saw you, I always want to make every stranger smile and here we are now, you being happy and I'm happy for you

Ash(M):Sonia, I know that feeling and I feel the same way. Because ever since you first comfort me, I never felt love and I fell in love with the kindest stranger and that...is you.

Sonia:>\\\\\\<(kisses him on the cheek)

Ash(M):(kisses her cheek back)



Mina:(kisses him on the lips)

Man:(kisses back)...already did before that dare came in so nope Hahahaha

Thank you guys for reading this...Comment down below on who sing better Sonic or Amy...also I reached to 100 reads thank u so much for this especially r4151n  who inspired me to do this and gave me a lot of dares...And btw, I watched the Avengers Endgame and it's fricking sad and I don't wanna spoil you for your sake so guys if you spoil other people, I'll report ya okay? And Happy Mothers Day!!(I already spend time with my mom and my bro by eating a seafood place, and went to the mall to watch the movie that I mentioned). Thanks for reading this and I'll see ya guys in the next one!


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