Buddy Duet!(700+ reads special)

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Rook and Me:(kick the door)Guys!!

In:the heck...

Rook:She reached 700+ reads already!!

That was the day before yesterday!

Kn:we just have a 600 reads special...now this?!

Yea! I know! We better get started now!

Ash:okay so Kiara asked for a team VS team singing battle after all the questions of each user has been dared and asked...same rules applied ...lets go!

The truths and dares are from r4151n  To me, do u think Rookie looks cute with glasses? Duh! He is too cute that made me...

Rook:(looks at me with puppy eyes...)

>\\\\\\\\\< ROOKIE!

Team Rose:(squeals silently)

Rook:ur so cute when u blush like that~

Shut up...

All girls:(squealing)

...to Val, what's ur dream job?

Val:I honestly want a job that has something to do with BOXING! Knuckles, I know ur shocked about it but hey I'm gonna help ya if ya lose the tournament!

Kn:thanks dude but I highly doubt that u can beat either Vector or me.

Val:no probs and yea u can say that!

To Cream, does ur mom homeschool you?

Cr:no, I met Ray, Tails, Charmy, and Marine in school so...

Cool! To Amy, has your mother ever told you about ur father?

Am:honestly, I don't have a dad and she never talks about it...

So:(feels bad)...Amy, I'll be ur kids dad so u don't have to worry bout talking about who's the father...

Am:aww Sonikku(kisses his cheek) thanks for the encouragement!

So:no problem Ames

Sap and Aqua:SONAMY!!!



To Tikal, are you a vegetarian or a vegan?

Ti:I'm neither of those...I sometimes eat meat just for the occasions. I made myself some ham sandwich for breakfast if I have to

Kn:oh! I didn't know that...

Ti:u were asleep...after I woke up

To Rouge, if u weren't a treasure hunter(or Jewel Thief...) what would u be doing instead?

Ro:fashion designing!

Oh...I hope u can make a Hoodie that says "Savage" at the back and it has Zipper Pockets

Ro:I'll make it if I can...

Ash:(reads the next one privately) hey Crimson~

Cri:what is it?

What's ur least favorite food?

Cri:oh I don't know...because ur gonna trick me with a dare u like!!

Ash:okay okay fine geez

Cri:I don't have my least favorite food so...

Val:how about...radish?

Cri:nope I like radish

Olly:...oh I know! Black olives!(gives olives to Crimson)

Cri:oh no...(takes the olives and eats it...) bleugh!

Everyone else:hahahahahahahaha

Okay peeps that's enough! And to Scourgiona, u have to play tea party with Cream! I hope that u got the price that u pay for scaring Cream.

Sc:whatever flattie

(Rolls eyes) whatever tiny wee wee

Everyone except me, and Scourgiona:OOOOOOHHHH!!

Ch:AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA tiny wee wee!

Es:(I hope Kiara isn't gonna curse)

-1 hour of tea party later-

Cr:do u want some tea Mr. Scourge?

Sc:...I want some tea please...

Fi:(snaps a pic of scourge unnoticed) pfft

Alright guys that's enough(makes tea party disappear)

Ir:good luck Sonic...

So:oh thanks! Wait...what do you mean?

Iru have to poke Shadow with a stick for half an hour...(smiles like a mad scientist)

So:what did u do to him...

Ir:I just put some drink that contains SVD in it...it'll take 30 minutes before he wakes up

So:what's SVD?

Ir:I'll tell ya later!

So:(pokes Shadow with a stick)

-30 minutes later-

Sh:(wakes up) AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

So:(runs off)

Ir:SCD stands for Sleep VIOLENCE Disorder!!

So:why the hell did u do that to him!?

So:Coz why not...also it's for Aqua's sake

Aqua:Thanks!(gives Iris 1000 rings)

Ir:no probs!

Okay! I'm gonna randomly select the people with the same papers and yea!...Rookie and Infinite!

In and Rook:I don't wanna do this with him!

Just do it Rookie...for me~(kitty eyes)

Sap:yes Finny~ for me too~(hedgkitty eyes?)

Both boys:...fine...

Rookie-Hugh Jackman Zac Effron

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Omg this is so good!

Sap:I know right? Infinite is hot!

Rookie is a cutie!

Both boys:(blushes hard)

Cri:Now we move on to CrissaRosetta 's Dares!

Dare for Shadow...be nice to everyone...no fighting, no cursing, and no yelling for 3 chapters!

Sh:...I'm used to this so...

Yea u should get used to this family friendly stuff


To Tails, turn into a teenager for 2 chapters!

Ta:...the-(gets zapped by his own invention that got held by Iris)

Ir:just shut up and become one...

Ir:is Omega sleeping?

Why? Oh...

Ir:yea...but I'm loyal to a robot!

Teen! Ta:just don't get attached to it...

I know.and to Blaze, flirt with Silver till he gets nosebleed!

Bl:easy! Hey baby boy~ wanna have some fun...alone in my place?~

Si:(tries not to nosebleeds but fails miserably...) >\\\\\\\< B-Blaze...

Bl:told ya!

Okay! Dare for every girl and that includes you Blaze! Sing How to be a Heartbreaker? Night core

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Am:Rule number one!

Cr:is that ur gonna have fun!

Ti:but baby when ur done,

Ro:u gotta be the first to run~

Bl:Rule number two...

Mina:is that u don't get attached to

Sonia:somebody you could lose~

Sal:so let let me tell u u

All sides:This is how to be a heartbreaker! Boy they like a little danger! We'll get him falling for a stranger, a player saying I lo-lo-love you~ How to be a heartbreaker? Boy they like the look of danger. We'll get him fall for a stranger, a player singing I lo-lo-lo-love you~

At least I think I do! ;)


Fi:Rule number three~

Shade:wear your heart on the cheek...

Co:but never on your sleeve...

Aqua:Unless you wanna taste defeat...

Miss. V:rule number four!

Mar:u gotta be looking pure

Ir:kissing goodbye at the door

Val:and leaving him wanting more more~

(Repeats first verse of chorus)

Olly:(repeats second chorus and whispers)at least I think I do


Ash:(bridge part)


Team Rose:(repeats the first verse of the chorus)

Olly, Ash, and Mar:(second verse of chorus)

All girls:Coz I lo-lo-lo-love you~

(Whispers)At least I think I do

Cri:thanks for reading! Please check out our previous singing battle and vote the chosen singers on who's better by commenting down below our chapters

Ash:and...don't forget to comment down to this chapter so that we won't miss a thing

Olly:thanks for 700+ reads and we are in the top 1!!!

And I'll see you in the next one.


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