Granny!!!(800-900+reads special)

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Hey guys, Kiara here and we reached to 800 reeeeaaaadsssss

I love u guys so much for this and thank you for this wonderful number even tho I'm just a author 😊

Olly:let's start the questions!!

To Rookie, do u think I would look cute with glasses?

Rook:I imagine you wearing my glasses and I'm sure that it'll look cute on u

Aww thanks Rookie but I ain't gonna wear glasses tho...

Olly:(shows the picture)

(Those are fake glasses)

Ir:Technically, I'm the only one who wore glasses among the sides...


Umm...OLLY!!! DX DELETE THAT PIC RIGHT NOW!!!(chases Olly)

Olly:(runs away with the pic)

Ash:to Amy, is it true that you have a bra and panties with Sonic's face all over them?


Sc:now this is something juicy that I like to hear

Fi:(hits his gut hard)


U can skip this if u like.

Amy:I don't see those in my closet. Also, that don't exist

So:thank goodness 😊

(Snatches the pic from Olly and tears it)To Scourgiona, what are ur most favorite kinks?(eww...)

Fi:His favorite kink is when I call him 'daddy' in bed with a lingerie~

Sc:u got that right foxy gal~

Fi:u have my favorite~

Okay that's enough!!


I'm okay with u guys saying THAT alone with no one hearing...but u need to stop Coz there are kids in there!!

To me and the Sides, what's my fur color? Well we have our picture right here(shows the picture)

Es:wait...u all have black hair in ur drawing...

I know...but this is Gacha version

So:wow! U nearly made a rainbow!

Yea...but hey, it's good right? Supposedly, the three of us on the left should switch places...

Kn:wait...we didn't know that u have wings!

Oh right...I didn't tell ya about it Coz we discovered it by ourselves...

Cr:tell us a story miss Kiara...

Okay okay... I'll make the next chapter about my story for now let's answer the asks and do the dares

Ash:...anyway,to Tails, do u remember much about ur parents?

Ta:I remember my dad and he is in Station square! But my mom...she...she

Ash:(hugs him) bud...I know that u miss ur mom but...we have to move on...remember that the people u love and lost are still in your heart...

Everyone else:aww

Don't make me cry...

Ash:yea I was about to say it to Tails but yea...

Ta:we should get on with the asks and dares now

Ash:sure but I ain't letting u go till u are actually okay

Ta:sure Ash!

To Shade, do u used to have a crush on Knuckles

Shade:I use to I guess...but...nah he don't like me that way and I don't like him that way either. We became siblings for some sort. I have Tikal with me

Ti:(kisses his cheek)

Kn:(turns red as his fur)

Olly and Me:KNUXIKAL!!

Ash:these two need to shut up...

Sh:I agree

To Cream and Tikal, are u disappointed that you're not in the most recent Sonic games?

Ti:not really, I understand that I'm just an underrated character


Kn:at least no one hates you...

Ti:aww thanks

Ta:Cream it's you and me against the world.

Cr:aww thanks Tails.(kisses his cheek)


Taiream and Knuxikal!!


Ash:Ooh a dare for team Dark, make Iris a member of Team Dark! Ooh this is interesting~

Ir:Hmpf at least I'm with the cool team!


Ash:well Iris, we have more people in the Chaotix!

Okay okay that's enough! Team Dark do the dare!

Ro:came to join in sweetie?

Ir:sure Rouge

Sh:welcome to the team Iris

Ir:thanks I like the dare that u do.

To Somamy, Taiream and Knuxikal, defeat Eggman with the power of love by being so lovey dovey with each other that you know what? Just do ur love and stuff!

Team Sonic and Rose:Okay!


Dr.E:Mwuahahahaha! I'm gonna destroy the Sonic heroes!

So:not so fast Eggman! We know ur weakness!

Dr.E:and what would that be? Heeheehee!

So:this! *talks to Amy* hey Amy~ wanna make out~

Am:*plays along and actually blushes* sure Sonikku(starts kissing him)

Cr:Tails let's cuddle under that tree*actually sits informs of Eggman

Ta:sure *follows her and cuddles her*

Kn:bet that u are forever alone with nobody with ya(put arm around her waist)

Ti:(plays along and gets closer)

Dr.E:you guys disgust me...(leaves)

So:let's go home

Both teams:yea!(went to my home)

-at my home-

Team Sonic and Rose:we're back!

Oh hey guys! Did Eggman puke?

So:no but we made him leave so it's a win win situation!

Nice!...To Ray and Cosmo...go on a date wit- wait where's Ray and Cosmo?

Mig:they're outside playing with flowers


Ray: Cosmo, I made u a flower crown like Cream taught me(puts flower crown on her head)

Co:aww thanks Ray (blushes)

-back to me :3-

Aww so cute! Let's go to CrissaRosetta 's question!!

Okay! This should be by team right now!

Sh:Hmpf we are going to win this thing

So:nu uh my team is gonna win this

Can u shut up and play now?



So:(in the game)okay...*shoots Granny* yes!! Okay I'm outta here *gets the keys by forgot a to fix the engine* NO!! I'm so close...AAAHHH!!!(Pewdiepie scream lol XD) GAME OVER...

Can't believe that u scream like a little girl


Ta:I made it!


Ta:do u remember that I build the X tornado?

Oh yea...

Ir:I also made it Coz of that so...

Kn:I made it by car!

That's cool!

(Remember that Knuckles from Sonic CD fixed Tails' Tornado?)

Ash:I made it by running away!

Olly:Oh nuts...AAAHHHH!!(gets close to Vector)

Ve:(gets close to Olly) it's okay Olly even tho the games' over ur way better than money ^^

Olly:aww but ur the color of money...




Ash:uh Espio? U need help?

Es:shh >_< no and ur gonna blow my cover...


Es:nuts...(turns invincible and runs off)

Olly:I'll find him(sniffs) he's up the ceiling

Es:( does she know??)

RRRREEEEEEEE!!!(climbs up and grabs his tail harshly)

Es:0-0(falls down)...ow...

Okay! If anyone hacks,...ur gonna be like Espio one day

Ir:so far...the cheaters are in my list

Ooh let me see! So that I can beat them to death

Ir:don't hurt my robot pls

Cheaters List:
Is that all?

Ir:I guess?

Olly:Kiara, please don't go violent on the peeps

Oh my gosh ur just like my mom...k but they are gonna do the try not to get scared challenge...right after everyone finishes the game.

-2 hours later-

The kids are scared so they won't play the game

Olly:so far the people who made it are...

Vector, Tails, Knuckles, Ash, Ash M, Sonia, Manic, Mighty, Shadow(?), Tikal, Val, Mighty, Blaze, Scourge, Fiona, Sally, Khan, Elias, Kiara(Me), and...Crimson!



Hey readers, I have a favor for u...can u comment down below on what punishment should I make for the losers and the cheaters?(except the kids) that would be great and btw


O-O...okay and yea! She's right we are almost at 1k reads! Thanks for reading and make sure to comment down below for more asks and dares so that I won't miss a thing! And also...who's ur favorite side among the sides? Please comment down on who's ur fav side below so that I can have fun with 1000 reads! Thanks again and I'll see u in the next one.


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