No Wattpad friends in my book?!

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Heeeey guys...WE'RE BACKKKKKK!!! u get so loud more often...and u haven't add more people...pretty sure that ur the only one without your Wattpad friends...

...oh nuts...ur right!! And that's a very good idea btw :D

Sh:(why the hell did I even say that!?)

Anyway, yesss!! I'm back home guys! And we can continue this even tho I continued it like almost everyday..hehehe😅

To Charmy...umm...Charmy isn't her ye-


Mar:good eye mate! ^_^

Hi Charmy. Ya gotta question that ya need to answer.


Is Marine feeling better yet?

Ch:she is!! And I'm happy...please don't put some dare that involves eating stinky stuff...yuck!!

Mar:Thanks Mate :)

To the girlfriends...what would be your dream wedding and dream honeymoon be? And for me...the kids are not allowed to answer this one...

Ta:that's fine!

Ch:what's honeymoon?

Es:you'll know this when you'll grow older

Ro:it's obvious that my dream wedding needs to be elegent and the honeymoon is going to be in the United Kingdom or England


Ti:mine should be ancient like to be a secret garden...

That's nice! I want that too...if I ever have a SO...

Ti:it's okay. And for the honeymoon...I love my honeymoon to be in my home...

Kn: :) good choice

Am:to me...I wanna have a wedding in the beach and the honeymoon is to the Bahamas.

Sonia:can we have a triple wedding since Manic, and Sonic are triplets?

Am:Of course!


So, Man, and Ash(M):(blushes redder than Knuckles).

Ash:Wedding underneath the Sakura trees...and honeymoon...I don't know...whatever we wanna go together...ya know...(Japan is nice!)

Es:that's nice! :)

Olly:The wedding...I want it to be somewhere in the hotel...where there are fancy stuff...what do u call the one where we get to have a big meal Crimson?

Cri:it's called a buffet

Olly:nice! And the honeymoon is going to be Italy...if Vector agrees with me

Ve:Of course! I'll earn us money so that we can go there ^^

Olly:not now tho...

Ve:right...young age hehehe 😅

Sal:I would always have a wedding in the castle...since its tradition..and the honeymoon is still in he castle...

Khan:oh it's okay Sal we can go wherever we want to go...just ask me about it okay?

Sal:thanks Princey

(Thomas Sanders Preference)

Bl:I feel you Sal...I feel you...

Si:Like Khan said...we can go wherever we can go...

Bl:thank you Silver(kisses his cheek)

Si:(turns super red) y-you're welcome ^^

Fi:I want a wedding thats elegant and special...where there's only the two of us...and the honeymoon...and that honeymoon is going to be Hawaii

Sc:(smirks at dirty thoughts)

(Hits him on the head) dude! There are kids there...and don't think about it!

Sc:alright...geez u hit hard

Wanna make me hit u harder?

Sc:yes mommy~😏


Fi: I got this(hugs and kisses him)...all eyes on me baby boy~


Hahahahaha nice! Thanks Fiona...but I still hate u for scaring Cream.

Fi:I get it

Ir:to Scourge and people mistake you as twins...

Sc and Man:YESS!!

Sc:they're so blind! Like we don't go together

Man:do they even know Sonic Underground!?

Ir:I believe that people who mistake u as twins have optical problems due to color blindness...and they don't really watch Sonic underground...

I'm not one of those people! I watch SU before the Archie comics and I don't mistake them as twins

Man and Sc:thank u!!

Cri:To Tails...what's your most recent nightmare...

Ta:My nightmare is where I get to watch Cosmo...die as I shot her and the tree...

Co and Cr:(hugs him)

Poor Tails...

Ash:Tails...I hope u heard my advice when it comes to losing people...

Ta:y-yea...I heard that in the previous chapters...thanks!

Ash:^_^ you're welcome!

To u think Vector is secretly a crybaby?

Sh:that's s good question...of course he's a crybaby!

Ur not Espio!

Everyone but me, Rouge and Shadow:OOOOHHHH!!!

Sh:(got hurt on the inside)T-T...

Ro:(comforts him) it's okay sweetie...

Es:to be honest...he rarely cried...he's not a crybaby in my opinion but sometimes, I heard him cry at night because he's worried that his red echidna best friend will get killed and he wanted to help him collect the ME shards or guard the ME...and there are also those times that he was sad due to rejection of Vanilla(I'm pretty sure that I got that right) till Olivia came to his life and made him feel better.


Ve:yea...I may be a good for nothing best friend but...I just want to help u...(looks down)

Kn:dude...I didn't know...(hugs him) I'm sorry that I didn't see that and you're not a good for nothing're my best friend...thank you for helping me btw

Ve:you're welcome^^(hugs him back)

Me, Olly,and Ti:BROMANCE!

(I almost cried when I type that don't make me change that because I like it this way)

Ash:(reads the next one privately) Heheheheheheh

What happened Ash?(reads the next one)...nope (runs off).

Si:(levitates me) don't think of going out

Woah! Put me down!!

Si:not until you ask this question...(reads it)what's you're most embarrassing habit?'re gonna be grossed out for this but own skin from my fingers...

Everyone but Knuckles, me, Espio and the Sides:eww...(gets disgusted)

(Ears drooping down)😥

Kn:at least you don't get to eat too much chili dogs like someone in our group...


Hahahah okay! u sometimes wish that you weren't a princess?

Cri:hahahahaha that's a good joke, I am a princess...a warrior princess! A princess who is loyal to her people even though I'm young as heck!

Bl:good for you! And that's heroic of u...

Cri:Thanks...don't forget, Sonic and his siblings are royalty too, Sally, Khan, Tikal I guess...just ancient royalty

Ti:thank you.

Cri:I'm guessing...their future lovers

All royal girls:you got that right!

A dare for Charmy and an episode of Teletubbies...

Ch and Mar:...NOOOOOOOOO(screams endlessly)

Everyone except Vector and Me:(covers their ears)

Ve and Me:(puts on headphones and used noise canceller and put the said kids in the small room and turns on the TV and change the channel to the kids channel till they see Teletubbies and closes the door)

Ve:Geez...these kids never shut up, Kiara

I know...I know...they're just like my brother

So:wait you have a brother?!

Yea...but...he can't communicate properly

Sh:an idi-

Shadow I swear if u talk bad stuff about my bro...then this will be the last time that you've seen the light of day!!


While at it, we have two different dares that go to Scourge and Fiona(whispers Scourge and Fiona)


Sc:hehehe that's easy!

Hey Mongoose man


Try this jeans, they are stretchy and comfy...

Ash(M):umm okay?(goes to the fitting room and takes off his old pants and throws it at me.

(Signals Scourge to put the ice cubes)

Sc:(gets ice cubes and secretly puts ice cubes on Ash's pants and walks away)

Ash(M):ooh that fits ur right but I have to change it back Coz I'm gonna use that tomorrow!

Sure thing!(gives him pants and looks away Coz ya know)

Ash(M):(changes to old jeans and realizes that this is a prank and feels something cold on his dong) AAAHH COLD! KIARA!!

Dude, Scourge actually did it and it's just a dare.

Ash(M):I can forgive you but not Scourge

Sc:what? It's just a dare...

Fi:(puts spider on Sonia's hair)

Sonia:(looks into a mirror and picks it up and puts it outside the window) nice try Fiona

Fi:dang it...

Cream...someone dare ya to eat a pile of candy

(One minute later)

Cr:(groans in pain Too much candy)

Ms.V:Cream...ya need to rest

Cr:yes, mom...someone dared me to do this

Ms.V:let me talk to them(whispers to the audience) if u do this to her...lets just say that I'll put u to eternal sleep...

Oh my goodness...that's dark

Sh:how's that dark??

(Whispers to Shadow)Put you to eternal sleep is equal to murder...


And remember kids, eat ampalaya!

Everyone but me and the sides:what's that?

It's Bitter melon in Filipino

Kn:wait ur half Filipino?

Yea it's like this (shows the picture) it prevents you from diabetes and this problem so...

Miss.V:I never heard that one before but I'm sure that u got the knowledge of herb medicines

Thank you! It tastes bitter but it's good

Miss.V:you're welcome and got it!

Ir:to princess...fart in Shadows face...

Cri:why with all the disgusting dares!?

Sh:why does it have to be me!?

Cri:at least people won't call u disgusting and you're not royalty

Sh:at least you won't be disgusted

Cri:(gets a stomach ache) oh no...

Everyone except Shadow, take cover

Cri:I'm sorry

Sh:it's okay...least that u won't make fun of me

Cri:well I never(raises her butt to his face)


Cri:get ready

Sh:(covers nose)

(One fart later)


Everyone but Crimson, Shadow and Me:HAHAHAHAH

0-0...that's unexpected

Cri:never again...anyway...Sonic, u gotta dare

So:is it good

Cri:yea actually, leave a flaming bag of dog poop on Eggman's doorstep

So:easy(runs off and comes back within 5 seconds) and in 5, 4, 3, 2, aaaaaand...1



Thank you so much for reading and if you like more chapters comment down below so that I won't miss a thing. And btw, do u guys wanna be added? I feel like that I have no Wattpad friends who joined in for almost 20 chapters...guess that I'm the Odd one out(TheOdd1sOut preference). And if ya want to join in the fun, I'll add ya to my future chapters unless ur busy...thanks again and I'll see ya in the next one


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