Our new ship(Espash)

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Hey guys, Ash is calm now thanks to r4151n  who have questions for us and Espio who's been helping her through her one dark time.


Es:She's nice to talk to when you get to know her

Ash:-///- thanks Espio...


Ash:what does that mean Ruby?

He says "you're welcome"


Now let's get to the questions and dares...and these questions are from r4151n (reads it) omg...there are so many...anyway, let's get started.

Olly:Oooh! It's for us sides and Ruby

Cri: to the Sides and Ruby...what species are you?

We are cats since the sides are like part of me I'll show ya the picture of us

(What'd ya think of my drawing...comment down below on what's your opinion of it...I tried and I drew that last night)

Ash:eww my face...

Es:what're u talking about? 君はきれいです。

(Is this a ship I hear? 😍😍) he says you're cute

Ash:>\\\< how do I say thank you in Japanese?


Ash:Ah thanks Ruby

Es:(Well くそ... I didn't know Ruby understands my language)

It's because I'm half Japanese

Ash:エスピオ 君 ありがとございます。


Aww he's blushing

Ash: you should teach me more Japanese more often Espio...your language confuses me...

But what about me...

Ash:What if you're busy

...good point...anyway...next question!

To Sonic, is it true that you're a prince?

So:yea actually...my mom told Sonia and Manic even before she...she...

Ash:Hey... Sonic we never knew that you've been through like this... For a hero, you have someone you love has been lost and is now forever in your memories...

So:It's okay Ash...all I wanted is to know the truth...

Am:Sonic...Ash just wants to make you be yourself...I'm sorry for your loss

Ash:and we have all the condolence that should be given to you.

So:thanks guys...lets get to the next question...

To Amy Cream and Tikal...Do you guys worry about your boyfriends every time they go on adventures?

Am:Nah...we follow them


Ti:It's true tho...I was worried that Knuckles would've gotten hurt if it weren't for us girls...GIRL POWER!

Kn:that's nice Tikal

Ti:thanks Knux ^_^

Anyway...next question

Ir:for Silver, have your psychic powers ever gotten you in trouble before?

Si:I guess...I don't remember thanks to time traveling...

Ir:hmmm okay...next question

Olly:Rouge, when did you become so obsessed with gems and jewelry?

Ro:Ever since I laid eyes on Knuckies ME...but the real jewel that I'm focusing on is Shadow

Sh:(smirks) thanks babe(kisses her)

Ro:(kisses Shadow back)

Ash:to Blaze, do you think Silver would make a good king someday?

Bl:the truth is I don't really know if he's fully committed on that one since he's...so naive


Bl:but yes...since he can be serious at times someday and he's also my soulmate

Si:thanks sweetheart

Bl:you're welcome

Next question....oh no there's a Dare for the kids...Tails and Cream have to French kiss...

Ta: I don't like that dare...we are too young for that...

Ms.V:yes whoever you may be...I don't want them to do adult things till they grow older

Next dare and it's for Shadow..you have to make Sonic cry

Sh:Hmpf...I can do that

So:I highly doubt that

Sh:(shoots a red paint gun at Amy in the head)

Am:(plays dead)

So:Amy!! (Tears fall off) Shadow! How could you!?

Sh:there's that crying boy here

Am:(stops playing dead) Sonic...he shot me by using a paintball gun...

So:(hugs her) don't you leave me again and do that again

Am:Sonic that's just a dare...

So:0-0 oh

Next dare!! And Amy...beat up Shadow for after what happened

Am:Hey Shadow, what's 10 - 6 (summons her piko piko hammer)


Am:FOUR!! (Swings the hammer to Shadow like she's in golf) that's for making my bf cry and for shooting me in the head!

Sh:Ahh!!!!(gets hit and flies to the ceiling)

Am:and that's how you win the game of golf

(Btw, This is a Gravity Falls preference)

Next dare!! And it's for...me and I have to eat my least favorite food...oh no...

Olly:Ruby!! Eat your papaya

Eww...that food...for the dare(eats it...and swallows it hard) eugh....(makes an ugly disgusting face)


What...I don't like Papaya...it sucks

Olly:Ooh I got a dare and...I have to burp on Knuckles face...

Kn:oh no...I hope your breath smells like candy

Olly:oh Knuckles...You know me so well (drinks Mountain Dew and waits for 5 minutes)

----------------5 minutes later-----------------

Olly:(burps at Knuckles) excuse me...

Kn:it's okay I'm used to it...I even have a burping contest with Vector

Olly: ^_^ that's cool...maybe I can join in sometimes

Kn:sure...you made a good burp

Ash:Next dare is for...Iris(snickers) she has to wear a clown costume and ride on a pogo stick and hop around while saying" I'm an idiot!"hahahahaha

Es:0-0(so cute>\\\<)

Ir:(sigh) Olly do you have this make up for a clown?

Olly:Yea I do... Let's do this!!

Ir:I hate this dare -_-(summons a clown costume and wears it)... This looks ridiculous....

Olly:what are you talking about? You're beautiful with it ^^(puts clown makeup on Iris)

Iris:(summons pogo stick and rides on it)"I'M AN IDIOT!!"


Ash:that is the best look that I've seen today hahahahaha

Ir:I hate you all...(makes the clown costume, makeup and a pogo stick disappear)

Sh:hey that's my line!

Ir:but you said " I hate all of you"

Everyone but Iris and Shadow:OOHHHH!!!!


Ash: oh...another dare! And this is my favorite one...Crimson has to pick her nose and she has to eat boogers...that's actually gross but funny to look at.

Cri:What?! I have to do that?! That's horrid to make someone who's royalty do this disgusting thing!!

Ash:well you have to do it Drama Queen and also...karma is a douche 😈😈

Cri:ugh fine! But I hope you get a dare in the next one...

Ash: I doubt that

Cri:(picks boogers and eats it) ewwwww!!! That's disgusting...I'm NOT gonna do that again...eugh

Ash:hehehe serves your rights princess

Cri:Shut up Miss "Panic at the Distress"

Ash:whatever 🙃

And for the last dare for today is for Espio and Ash!!

Ash and Es: oh no...(0/////0)

You guys are gonna kiss your crushes and confess to each other...

Cri:NO FAIR!! How come she gets the guy(and a good one too) while I get my boogers!?

Ash:dunno? 😐

Cri:I'm not asking you!

Ash:whatever... Espio?


Ash:U-um...I have a confession to make...

Es:m-me too Ash...

Ash:Espio, ever since Ruby introduced to me the Sonic fandom, I was so confused since I'm new to this fandom... But once I get to know it especially Sonic Heroes and Sonic X, I love your team called "Team Chaotix" because it's really original and I also like Vector as a funny leader, Charmy the optimistic bee and your serious self. It keeps me sane from this cruel world...and when I met you in person in those previous chapters that Ruby made...I was happy that I get to meet you guys in person and you coming into my room makes me feel like you're the only one who can help me cope up besides Ruby and the sides... In other words...I love you...more than a friend...

Es:y-you really think so? O////O

Ash:no...I'm fully sure and in the bottom of my heart I always admire your kindness

Es:Ash...(oh no...emotions...) Ash...I'm glad that I found someone like you and you made me get over Baha...you're right...I should carry on with life before I die...I love you too Ash

Kiss already!!!!

Olly:Ruby, don't shout like that

Es and Ash:(Kisses each other on the lips)

Olly and me:Yeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! EspAsh 😍😍😍

Everyone:Quiet you two!

Heheh sorry I can't help but ship these two adorable cinnamon rolls

Olly:my sweet saddling has grown to be a lady

Ash:thanks mom^^

Olly:no problem sweetie

Thank you r4151n  for this dare. This made my ship come true😍😍(I may not ship other OCs like Sonessica or any ship that I can't mention Coz I'm lezzy but I'm proud of my own ship with my OC)and as always...I'll see you, in the next one


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