The Asks and Dares are Coming In!!

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[A/N: I'm literally Lazy to do these so bare with me! And ooh, I'm trying to get used to getting some bold textures for Author notes! And also, this was a made on the first day of 2020. Supposedly published after I arrived in Paris ;-; enjoy ya fellow readers and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!]

-At home The Night Before The Departure Flight-

Olly:Guys! We have to pack now!!

Ash:I already pick the best hoodies for winter...

Val:cool! I got my awesome leather jackets

Stop showing off your clothing and MOVE! We gotta plane to catch! And Iris, don't bring too-

Iris:I know! I just brought two science books....for 10-12 days...

Wow...wait! We better tell the others about us going on vacation!

Olly:wait what about Bloody Ruby?

Ash:it's okay guys, she said she'll stay with her boo for New Year's Day.

Iris:*holds the tablet and hears the ringtone* hey guys! *starts a group video chat* Get ready for a vid chat! Hey everyone, y'all here?

~~vid chat~~

So: uh....yea! You guys are on vacation right?

Yea...sorry that we didn't tell ya sooner...

Ta:it's okay guys, you deserve some rest. Hopefully you have a good one!

Kn:but...where are you guys going to?

Olly:should we answer that?

Iris:*nods in agreement*

Ash:We are going to Paris!


Ash:yea...too bad it's for us Sides...

Es:it's okay Ash...I won't mind.

Ve:last time I checked, he's pretty much worried that you'll-*gets smacked to the mouth*

Es:うるさい!(quiet!)'s true tho...

Ash:I'll be fine Espio, besides, I have my Sides who're with me on the way to this very journey!

Cri:hopefully I get the luxury that I wanted!

Speaking of luxury...where's your prince?

Cri:since Elias isn't that into technology and knows that I'm leaving to Paris with you guys, so he send me the "letter"! Don't worry, I read it and...he's gonna miss me even though he has his sister with him...


Ash:can't believe that you said that Val

Oh! We got asks and dares that we should finish!


It's just right there! The first one is from r4151n  I'm so sorry that I didn't get to read and do some dares and asks with everyone else.

For the couples...would you elope if you have to? it's forced marriage then yes. I never wanted to marry someone I don't like...even though it's for my parents sake...

Cri:that would be horrid...but then...'s hard to not obey your parents when it's this serious...hopefully it won't happen


Bl:*is sad about the question* It would not be necessary since I have my kingdom to protect...

Es:...*doesn't want to answer*

Kn:....ummm there's no point in eloping when Tikal and I are the only echidnas here.

Ti:Yea! I was nearly forced to marry an unknown person before the chaos happens and before I met Knuckles

-the rest of them answered their questions. Most of them wanted to elope and some of them don't answer like Espio did.-

On to the next question!

Ash:to all sides! Wear your hair in pigtails. It feels like we are Marinette.

Val:NOOOO!! I don't want to look girly!!

Iris:don't worry, it's gonna be for a while. He didn't specifically say that it will take for a chapter or two so, you can take it off anytime.

Val:*grumbles angrily*

Cri:this is going to be awesome!


(A/N: Gacha Life needs to put on shorter pigtails coz I have short hair ;-; holy moly)

Mig:aww so cute!

Val:okay! Can I take them OFF now!?

Cri:aww but it looks so cute! Leave it til this chapter ends! Or else

Val:or else what?

Cri:you're gonna suffer by leaving ur leather jackets at home and wake up in a cold!



Ash:*sees Knux in pigtails with Tikal* aww relationship goals!

Kn:...shut up...XD. On to the next one

Ti:to Taiream, watch season 1 of SVTFOE...they are currently watching it and we should not disturb them.

Ooh! We are on a two rival dares!

So:*in the background cooking with Amy*

Sonic has to play Super Smash Ultimate against Scourge!

So:*listens to it* may I?

Am:of course!

So:I'm gonna kick his butt!

Sc:*listens to that* in your dreams, faker!

Sh:Hey, That's my line!


Sc:I'm gonna take the hot babe with Black clothing

...that's Bayonetta....and she has a son ya know that?

Sc:...I didn't know oh well, on to the game!

-5 minutes later-

So:yea! I won! to play these things!

Ash:wait...ya never play them before?


No worries Scourge, that won't stop you from living a little


If y'all wondering why I'm he cc'ing nice, it's Christmas! Now...onto the cooking contest! Amy vs Fiona!

Am:just so you know, I'm gonna cut you like U cut onions

Fi:just you wait Rose...



So:I'll be the judge for Amy!

Sc:same but for Fiona!

Si:Wow...who will win!

-later on everyone tried both of these dishes. Almost all of them go for Amy since she's an experienced cook-

Am:don't worry Fi, you-

Fi:don't. Call me that....

Am:...just...u can do it next time.

Okay! We got a dare and a truth and also, one of us got the correct answer!

Val: I'd bet 50 rings if it's not Crimson!

Cri:HEY! If I'm the one who got it right, you know what I want to do with you...

Val:*is actually scared* crap....I swear....

ANYWAY! We better move to the truth and dare from fnafdemon

Everyone has to make a pun! And the question is would you rather save yourself in a zombie Apocalypse or save your friends in a virus outbreak?

Everyone except taiream(watching SVTFOE) :our friends of course!

Sc:only because my sugar baby is here

Fi:why thank you daddy~


Taiream:*cones out from tv room* we are back!

Cr:the show is so awesome!

Ta:I would not do the things like Star did if I were to say myself...

Pun time! Everyone has seen an ocean joke but they didn't "sea-mine"

So:....oh the "HU-MANATEE"


Es:....I would like to "shoyu" da wae

Kn:why do I feel offensive...

[A/N:you'll understand this if you are in Japan and you learn types of food and condiments. My dad and I made some puns out of food and some Japanese words too :3 Shoyu mean soy sauce btw. Not sure if I got it right.]


Ash:this is classic gold Espio! XD

Everyone else:*doesn't understand the joke*

Iris:Crimson, don't ya know that Nobles fart too?

Cri:umm why?

Iris:they have NOBLE GAS!

Val:HAHAHAHAHAHA I love you Iris!

Sh:that's actually hilarious but not as hilarious as mine considering that I have great dark humor.

Ooh, give it to me


Is it the one where you throw babies on the wall to paint it red? did yo-

A friend of mine told me this...

Sh:you suck...Santa gives Sonic a soccer ball and a bicycle. But he seems upset...why?

No legs! Hahahahaha!

Sh:wish that I can high five ya.

Me too...but you can chaos control right?

Sh:no...for now...don't want you to be disturbed...


-And you can imagine how the others make jokes on their own coz I'm he cc'ing lazy...-

Welp we have to end our vid chat since we have to sleep.

Ve:bye ya guys!

So:yea bye girls! Enjoy your trip to Paris!

All sides:thank you bye!!

-end of vid chat-

Val:OMG FINALLY!! *takes off rubber bands carefully*

Everyone else:*takes off rubber bands carefully*

Okay! Thanks for reading you guys I'm sorry for being a lazy bum. But this will be our year before it ended. We all have to spend our family time together so...Merry Christmas and an advance HAPPY NEW YEAR! We should be sleeping tho so see ya all in the next one!

All sides except me:bye!! *went to our beds and sleep*

A/N:hey guys HAPPY NEW YEAR! I was supposed to do this once I arrive to Paris. Turns out that I'm like lazy and I have to walk miles with my family just to take pictures, find good restaurants coz of my brother(he's Gluten intolerant...oof), and have family times! Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great time in your first day of 2020! And I'll see you in the next one. Bye!!

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