Two Truths, One Lie, in One Chapter

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*fixes the camera* okay! We are on on! *turns on the camera* hey guys! It's been a month isn't it? Well, we have a bunch of truths and dares today!

Iris:mmhmm, and we have a game to play too!

Olly:Ooh! What is it?

Iris:Two truths and a lie!

Ash:Oh cool! I love that game!

Iris:...I'm sure we'd become good allies Ash. *smiles at her*

Val:What's that?

It's a game where you get to choose two true facts about yourself and one fake fact about yourself. Everyone should participate.

Val:Now that's cool. We should vid chat with the others.

Olly:Yea! *starts a vid chat by the tablet* Hey guys!

   📱📱📱📱📱📱The Vid Chat📱📱📱📱📱📱

Team Dimension:Hey!

Team Sonic and Rookie in Tails' Place:Hey!

Olly:Hey! How are you guys in quarantine?

Kn:Eh...could've been better if I'm in Angel Island...with my girl...

Ti:*smiles and blushes*

How did you guys get internet?'s called a cellular data? Am I saying it right?


Team Rose and Team Chaotix: Hey guys!

All sides:Heeeey!!

Shadow from Team Dark: Let's get this show over with.

Ya ur right. AAALLLRIGHT!(Vanossgaming Preference) let' this...

To the Side's boyfriends! Hmmm...if you guys were a k-pop group...what would be your band name called?

Sh:I think they should be called Side me-. *chuckles but his mouth is covered by Rouge's hand*

Ro:Sorry sweeties...go on~

Cri:Wait, Elias hasn't even answered yet...

Elias:*adjusting the phone camera* is it on? Great! Hey guys, I'm not used to this technology but thanks to my sister, she's been helping me out with all the gadgets and other things. What's the question?

Cri:Well, if you were in the k-pop group with the Sides' boyfriends, what will be the name of the band.

Elias:Ooh! How about the "Royaling Stones"?

Ash:*facepalms* You got that from Jane Seymour do ya...?

Cri:Ash! I didn't know you know Six the Musical!

Ash:It has interesting history that's for sure.

Es:And I'm with her that time. -v-

Hmmm...what about you Rookie?

Rookie:Um...I don't know...we already have this name called Team Residence but...GAH! Never mind...

[Forgot what's the team called so don't mind me :/]

Kn:*pats him at the back* it's okay bud

...yea what Knuckles said. I'm like that too.

Rookie:*smiles* Thanks Kiara and Knux

Me and Kn:You're welcome! ^_^


Kn:*glares at him* Oh I don't know, you're only there to irritate me for your amusement.

So:*le gasp* no I do NOT!

Lol, yes you do but I can relate. Just not on Knuckles. But enough for that, let's talk about the name!

Es:I'm not Korean tho...

Olly:That's because you're not Korean doesn't mean you are not in the band. Not like it's gonna happen.

Es:...Anyway...I don't know what to call a band...

Omega:We are going to be called....*loading*

Mig:...Umm Omega? U okay?

Omega:*still loading* Loading complete! The name of the band of ours is...*cues the drumrolls* Shooting Stars!

Iris:Oh my goodness...That's Genius!


Es:I actually like that.

Ve:Me too!

Mig/Rookie:Same here!

Great! Now sing a K-pop song 😂😂

The Sides' Boyfriends:*glares at me*

Hehehehehe just kidding! XD every ask/dare gonna be a game to play?

Iris:Yes! Kiara, you first!

Ummm...uh...oh! I love to party with friends, I'm right handed, and...I like cats and dogs! Hehehehehe this is to all boys in this chat!

Sh:wait you're serious?

Kn:well, she said ALL boys right?

So:I barely know you!

So! Which one is the lie?

Team Chaotix, Mig,'re...not right handed...

Sh:I think you're the type of person who gets embarrassed at parties...'re a cat you're left handed!'re a cat lover?

The rest of the boys:You're not right handed!

Sadly for Shadow, and Sonic, I am actually left handed!


So:I barely know you!

Lol, not my problem that you're so full of yourself all the time!

Everyone in the chat except Sonic and Me :Ooohh!!

Sh:can't believe that you got owned by a girl Sonic, what will Amy say? *smirks*

Am:I'm right here Shadow! *she death glares at Shadow*

So...what will be their punishment?

Iris:Why not let them write something they did today with their left hand?

Oh! Good idea!

Ro and Am:*proceeds to get paper for their boyfriends*

Sh and So:Oh no...

-One Torture and Ugly Screams later-

So:How are you doing this!?

Sh:What Sonic asked! It's torture!

My dad's genes...he used to be left handed before.

Kn:Oh! Thought you're the only leftie in your family.

Well, technically yes, back then in the 90's in Japan and other countries, people who uses their left hand aren't welcome and are considered dad's mom forces him to write with his right hand.

Es:that's true...but now, we are at peace and everyone can write what hand is comfortable.

Sh:Kiara, do you love to party?

Well, yes! But I have boundaries. With friends is fun! My only limit is time AND alcohol  since I have to go home early and not drink any alcohol.

Sh:That's reasonable...

And I like both cats and dogs! They're adorable!


Kn:I never knew that you'll be forever sober.

Hehe...ya mean sober for life? Onto the next question!

Ash:To Sonamy, Taiream, and Knuxikal...small family or large family?

Sonamy:I want a small family!

Val:Only because Sonic has to be a cocky hero when kicking Eggbutt. *snickers*


So:Hey! 😤

That's true XD

Kn:I would rather have my queen answer it *blushes shyly*

Ti:*smiles at her echidna* Aww thank you sweetie. Well, come to think of it, our population is nearly extinct, I'd say make a medium family.

All girls except Tikal:Awww

This is why Knuxikal is my OTP!

Kn:*blushes redder than his fur* So what about you Tails and Cream?

Taiream:We are too young!!

Team Rose and Team Sonic except the kids:*chuckles playfully*

So:Tails and Cream wanted to have a small family that's for sure!

Taiream:*blushes redder than every red anthropomorphic peeps* Sonic!

So:What! It's true! *pets Tails' head*

Ta:Lesson learned, never trust Sonic with your secrets...

Kn:Ya said it pal.

Game time! Iris! You next!

Iris:Hmm...I grew up emotionless, I started off as a savage person during my first introduction to you all, and I like to torture people through dissection. Can anyone guess that? This is for Team Dark and Team Chaotix except the Sides who are part of the said group.

Ch:Ya didn't tell us that you're emotionless!

Es:She's not THAT psychotic to torture people.

Sh:...I can't decide the first one and the third one...
The third one?

Ro:I remembered that she told me this before...the third option.

Ve and Om:The third option.

Ir:The third option is a lie. I want to dissect dead things for science.

Ch:That's gross!

Rookie:What happened...

Ir:Well, Kiara doesn't want emotions since she always...cry a lot when we were little. Actually, she can bare pain, that's how I was created. Having intelligence is my thing! The rest is history.

Mig:How did ya get your emotions?

Ir:Olivia and Ash put colors in my life. But I had my limits when feeling sad.

Om:Emotions are something that can't be suppressed.

Ir:Thank you Omega *smiles at him*

So what would be the punishment for Charmy? about using Charmy's snacks as a test subject and let Charmy watch them disintegrate.
*smiles evilly*

Ch:NOOOO NOT MY SWEETS! *tries to get his snacks back*

Es:*takes the honey bars* Sorry Charmy, but the rules are the rules. *secretly kept two honey bars*

Ir:Okay...*uses her watchport to teleport in the Chaotix's place.

Es:You ready?

Ir:*pulls out her strongly acidic substance that's inside a test tube* Am ready.

-One Torturous minute later-

Ir:huh...I can't believe that it even has a strong smell...don't worry I can fix that.

Ve:Uh...No need Iris! We can do it!

Ir:Alright, thanks for letting me punish Charmy! *smiles at the Male peeps and teleports back with the Sides with a watchport*

Es:You're...welcome *feels bad for Charmy but hides it*

Truth for Shadouge. Who's the better kisser?

Ro:Me obviously~

Sh:depends on what kind of kiss you're talking about.

Ir:That's a falsehood right there Shadow.

Sh:Ya have any proof Smarty Pants?

Ir:*sends the pics to the Side's GC*



💚Iris💚:I got this second pic on last Christmas! It's hilarious XD

[Gonna give credits to the artists! They're so good at making such fine art! 😍]

❤️Kiara❤️:Holy moly!


💙Ash💙:I'm so glad that it isn't me.

💚Iris💚:...for now...

🧡Val🧡:What the hell do ya mean?!

💖Crimson💖:What do you mean?~

❤️Kiara❤️ :If ya wanna say yes but ya wanna say no what do you mean~🎶

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:End of Text:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:

Val:-_- seriously you two?

Cri:What I love singing!

Me too!

Sh:...*in a dark voice* I'll haunt you in your dreams...

Ir:Like ya don't know my passwords and my room.

Sh:....ya right...but I'll make your life hell!

Ir:It's already hell man, and didn't I just made your life hell?


Ro:No Shadow. And ya know what, you're right Iris, I'm the better kisser~ However in other times, he can become Alpha.

That's nice Rouge....

Iris:Espio! Your turn!

Es:...I can speak Spanish and Japanese, I'm the 'mom' of the Chaotix besides Olivia, and my favorite colors are dark cool colors. This is for the Sides except Ash. Only because she knows this.


All said Sides: The first option!

Man:Wow!'re right...

Mina:How did they know?

It's so obvious. I actually heard that you can speak Spanish but that's just a fandom rumor.

Es:True... I was about to let Vector Sing loudly are them since all of you have sensitive ears as punishment.


Cri:...pls no... ;-;


Cri:To Manic and Mina, have ya ever done a duet?


Man:but we ain't telling ya!


Es:Knuckles. Your turn.

Kn:Damn, never thought that you'd pick me. the red trio!



Kn:I always think of Kiara as a female Shadow, I an ambivert, and I'm into...rap music.

So:Woah! Good luck with that!

UGH! Out of all those things, why is the first option giving me that awkward feeling!? I'd say you're not an ambivert, you're an introvert!

Rookie:Well, your hair said so...


Rookie:Sorry dear! *he chuckles*

-_- Knuckles...I'm going to kill ya for this

Kn:heh. Try me!

Sh:Wow *slow claps*

Rookie:I barely know him but from what I know, he has true leadership!

Kn:Thank you...*gives him a small smile*

Rookie:I'd say the same as Kiara! Because deep down, he keeps things to himself.

Kn:I see that you kids have studied well!

The heck ya call me a female Shadow? And a kid?

Sh:*teleports begins me* Heh, her hair color is like mine...but she isn't as cool as me.

Ah! Shadow! I swear that I'm not trying to be like you!

Sh:I know, I know.

Olly:Well, Knuckles is indeed right, ya have red highlights on your hair. But enough of that, questions and dares time!

Val:Dare for Team Sonic, let your girlfriends treat you like their sons for two chapters! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Omg, this is going to be sooo good!

So:Amy is always protective of me!

Am:Oh hush, ya know ya love me.

Ta:Cream always feeds me food after every progress has been made for the X-Tornado so I'm used to her like that. Thanks Cream.

Cr:*Giggles* You're welcome Tails ^_^

Somebody protect the CHILDREN!

Sh:0-0 she's a crazy woman *teleports to the Team Dark's place*

Does Tikal do the same as the other two Knuckles? *smirks at him playfully*

Kn:I'm not telling ya ya little rascal. *also smirks playfully*

Ti: Language! Sorry, sweetie, have to do it for the sake of the dare. ^_^

Kn:That's Okay actually.

Ash:Wait, really?!

Kn:Well, we respect each other's personal space occasionally to maintain a healthy relationship. Unlike some people...*referring to Rouge and Amy*

Ro:*scoffs at him playfully* yea right!


Sonia:Same with Ash Mongoose. Speaking of that Mongoose, he's calling me! Gotta go bye!

Everyone:Bye Sonia!

Kn:Since I'm the last person who played this game, Shadow, I pick ya!

Sh:...fine only because the other me *referring to me* is less cool.

Yea I'm not cool, but I can kick your butt in table tennis!

All sides except me:Ooh!

Sh:I...just got easy on ya last time!

Just shut up and tell us two truths and a lie!

Sh:To the "other me", and Team Sonic...I don't have a best friend, I love pop music, and... I like horror movies.

It's clear that you have a best friend named Maria. Wait...ARE THOSE TWO LIES?!

So:Woah wait!

Ir:Shadow ya can't do t-

Sh:I like to break the system Iris so deal with it! *flips his quills*

Maria(Team Dark's place):Hey Shadow! Are you talking to your friends?

Sh:*turns to face his best friend* Hey Maria, and they're...acquaintance...except Omega since he's a friend and Rouge is my significant other.

Ro and Om:Hey Maria!

Maria:Awww! Hey guys! It's been a while since the quarantine!

Everyone except Team Dark: Hi Maria!

Sh:Yes you're right she's my best friend. But what's my other lie?

Kn.Ya don't like pop music. I honestly can relate to this. Except the ones that has deep meaning to songs.

Sh:True true...

So and Ta:We didn't get to answer!

Sh:Sonic should shout "I'm gay!" Outside...on top of your lungs. And to...

Let Sonic and Knuckles hold your tails for one hour.


So:*goes outside and screams on top of his lungs* I'M GAY!!


So:*goes inside terrified* never again...

Ta:At least ya lasted for a second. I'm gonna be tortured for an hour. AN HOUR SONIC!

So:Geebus...Welp, time for the Fluffy session to GET started! *holds the left tail of Tails* so soft!

Kn:I'll get the other! *holds the right tail* so soft!

Rookie:*takes a pic of Team Sonic and sends it to me*


🐺Puppy🐺:They're so cute like this!

🐱Kitty🐱:So cute!! Wait is Knuckles in the hole this WHOLE time?!

🐺Puppy🐺:Hehehe nice pun! And yes, he left a hole in the house last week and used it as a "Coz Hole" He told me not to tell ya but...too late hehehe

🐱Kitty🐱:WOW! That's legit since you told me. Well, see ya!

                                   ~End of Text~

Ash, wanna do the honors of reading the last one?

Ash:Uh, sure! To the Sides and their boyfriends, Hey that's us! My goodness, I don't know if I should be disappointed or just plain mad...

Olly:What is it? Oh! They dared us and our boys to watch romantic tragedies until we cry like babies.

I searched some romantic tragedy movies and I know this story called "The Boy in the Striped Pa-

Ash:That's not romantic at all? It's about friendship!

Oh...heheh I'm trying to not get all emotional over some movie.

Ir:She cries at the end of the movie called Conjuring

Val:For a horror movie, this is rare!

Ash:Well, I cried on that too because of that one quote! Kiara even repeated it!

Sh:This is rare for people who watched horror movies

Kn:is A Quiet Place one of them?

Sh:...yes but it's mostly focusing on that one family who survived. No spoilers tho.

We better find a movie to watch or we better stick to what we watch!

The side's boyfriends(goes to their separate teleporters and teleports to the Sides' place):Yea!


Mig:Find anything?

Val:* looks at the tablet with a lot of movies to watch but nothing to watch* Ugh! There's Nothing!

Ir:We better watch a movie where dogs are literally dying or something. about Hachiko?

Ash:That's a good way to start an emotional train! Whoo whoo!

Es:Hehe thanks raindrops.

~~~~~~~~~~~One Sad Movie Later~~~~~~~~~~

Ash:*cries first* Hachiko! You are a good boi...

Es:*had a tear rolling down* What are emotions right now...*hugs Ash*

Val:*cries* AAAAAHHHHH!!! I hate feeling things!!!

Mig:*comforts Val while crying a little* Reminds me of Matilda! But now she's okay!

[If ya don't know who Matilda is, she's Mighty's sister. Go search up for more details!]

Ve:*is going to the corner and cry there* poor dog!

Olly:Vector! Let me join you! *comforts Vector while crying*

Ir:*had a tear rolling down and went into Omega's arms*

Om:*comforts Iris*

Rookie and Me:*cries into each other's arms*

Elias:Dear, are you not that emotional? *has red eyes due to crying*

Cri:No dear, it's just onions. FINE I AM CRYING! *tears up*


Ta:I'll end it for you! *uses his teleporter to teleport to the Side's place and get the camera and comes back*

Thank you!

Kn:Uh Tails, it's low battery...

So:Thank you guys for watching this! If ya want more ask or dares, comment down below for more ask or dare chapters!

Kn:And!...uh...if you guys wondered why they can't find movies that are "romantic tragedy" is because they don't know what movie to watch. Thankfully, Espio got the suggestion since none of them knew what romantic tragedy movie to watch.

Ta:Thanks again and we will see you in the next one.

Everyone except the crying saps:bye!!

Ta:*turns off camera and send it to the Side's place*

📱📱📱📱📱📱End of Vid Chat📱📱📱📱📱📱

Ya guys should get going.

Ve and Es:*goes to the teleporter* see ya! *teleports to the detective agency*

Olly and Ash:See ya!

Mig:Gotta go Ray and Matilda are gonna get worried so...see ya my crazy cat! *smiles and teleports to his place*

Val:*smirks* See ya later ya strong boy~

Elias:Gotta go princess, see ya~ *kisses her hand, goes to the teleporter and teleports to the palace where Sally and Alexis are*

Cri:See ya later Prince Charming *smiles at Elias*

Rookie:Hopefully Knuckles doesn't break the camera or worse...Sonic hehehe *smiles shyly before going to the teleporter* See ya later kitten! *teleports to Team Sonic's Place*

See ya puppy!

Om:I have matters to attend to, I bid you farewell. *goes to the teleporter and teleports to Team Dark's place*

Ir:See ya later, Omega!

Olly:Umm Kiara, ya forgot your camera...



A/N:Hey guys! Sorry for a delay. Have to come up with some scenarios and also...I was watching The Last of Us 2 let's plays of JackSepticEye and Pewdiepie(and other YouTube vids on a daily basis). So...What do ya think of the chapter? Comment down below truths or dares and we can answer them! I apologize about the last dare. I don't watch Romantic Tragedies. Thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

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