Most Annoying

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Question: Who is the most annoying character out of any of you?

*Everyone stares at Dr.Buttocks*

Dr.Buttocks: Why does everyone think I'm most annoying?!

Lianna: Well, no one in the series likes you. You are so annoying at times. Your brother was the first to interact with the audience. You have a bigger butt on your forehead than your brother. You are married to Dora the Explorer. You have a son named Balloon Boy. Your mother hated you more than Butt-ler and Betrayus is better than you and more good looking.

Butt-ler: *Sticks middle finger at Dr.Buttocks*

Dr.Buttocks: Well ze Pac-Man is more annoying than anyone. He always foils my plans for taking over Pac-World. He eats so much crap. He burps so loadly. He chews on pencils during class. He defeated my giant robot- TWICE! He ate me so many times and he's yellow! Yellow is the worst color ever!

Pinky: Well I think Inky is most annoying. He is a pain in the butt. He hates Pac-Man. He tried to be a traitor. He was peaking during the time when Blinky was teaching us Pac-Fu! He is my least favorite!

Lianna: Well I hate you Pinky. Especially when you are mean to my boyfriend!

Marionette: What about me?

Strongtone: What about me too?

Lianna: You guys just go back to your worlds! I really wanted to date you Inky. But I had to date stupid BETRAYUS!!! By the way, where is he?

Betrayus: We uploaded this video all over Youtube!!!!


Betrayus: Too late. *Clicks upload button* Now it has already 45.5K views. In your face Lianna!

Lianna: I better go into my room. I am going to sit in the wall and cry. Bye bye.

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