Pac-Man, a ghost and 7 babies

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Dare: I want Lianna to turn the ghosts into babies and Pac-Man has to babysit the ghosts.

Lianna: Okay, I have a book on spells. Let me find the baby spell. "Baby Boom!"

(All the ghosts turn into baby ghosts.)

Blinky: Mama!

Pinky: Me likey yellow ball!

Inky: Goo Goo!

Cylde: *Sucks on thumb*

Butt-ler: Gah Gah!

Dr.Buttocks and Betrayus: *Fighting over a bunny stuff animal*

Pac-Man: Why did you turn the ghosts into babies!?

Lianna: It was the dare.

Spiral: Woah, Pacster, you have to deal with the babies.

Cyli: Spiral, we have to go to the mall to buy some new hover board gear.

Spiral: Oh yeah. Lianna, you have to help Pac to babysit.

Lianna: What? Why?

Pac-Man: Because you turned the ghosts into babies.

Cyli: Okay, bye guys!

Lianna: How about you take care of Blinky, Inky, Pinky and Clyde. While I deal with the butt babies and Betrayus.

Pac-Man: Sure, besides, how hard can this be?

Two hours later...

Lianna: Okay, Dr Buttocks! You give back Butt-ler his Barney doll!

Dr.Buttocks: No!

Butt-ler: *Crys*

Lianna: Well Betrayus, you look cute as a baby. Even just cute as an adult.

Betrayus: *Cutie eyes*

Dr.Buttocks: *Throws up*

Lianna: Oh Dr. B! You made a mess of yourself! Better get you in the tub.

Pac-Man: I'll deal with the babies well you give Dr. Buttocks a bath.

Lianna: Okay Pac.

Meanwhile with Pac...

Pac-Man: No Pinky! Don't eat your poop!

Pinky: *Cries*

Inky: *Flies around the room*

Pac-Man: Get back here Inky!

Blinky: *plays ball with Butt-ler* Yay!

Cylde: *Sucks on pacifier*

Betrayus: *Puts on HTF*

Pac-Man: No! No! No! No! No! Don't watch that! It's not for you!

Betrayus: *Cries*

Lianna: Pac-Man! I got Dr. Buttocks.. Pac-Man! Why are you watching Happy Tree Friends!

Pac-Man: Betrayus turned it on!

Lianna: *Spanks Betrayus* Alright everyone! Time for bed!

(After 1 hour of trying to get the babies to sleep, the babies finally sleep)

Pac-Man: It's so cute how they sleep.

The next day...

Cyil: Pac! Lianna! We're home!

Spiral: Pac-Man, you can relax. Lianna, turn them back to normal.

Lianna: *Turns the babies back to normal*

Blinky: What happened?

Inky: I think we were babies.

Betrayus: Lianna! *Hugs Lianna* You saved us! Mainly me.

Lianna: *Blushes*

Pac-Man: Be sure to dare us more!

The End

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