Age Progression and Age Regression Part 2

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Previously on Ask Pac-Man and his Gang 3, Betrayus took over Pac-World. Now, back to the show...

Lianna: We're all screwed!

Inky: Yeah, totally.

Blinky: What other bad stuff can happen?!

Ghost Guard #1: Halt! Prisoners!

Ghost Guard #2: You are all under arrest for being against Betrayus!

Lianna: Oh great.

Meanwhile at the Round House prison...

Spiral: *Singing terribly*

Cyli: *Clanging a cup against the bars*

Lianna: We're all dead.

Inky: Yeah. All of us, thrown behind bars.

Lianna: *Gets younger* Why am I smaller than you guys?

Spiral: It's the age regression. We're getting younger.

Inky: Oh no!

Pac-Man: *Is 35 years old* I'm getting older than all of you guys!

Cylde: I don't know about this!

Jewel: Why did we take this stupid dare!

Meanwhile with Betrayus, Dr.Buttocks and Butt-ler...

Butt-ler: *Is 32 years old* I'm seem younger, sir.

Betrayus: *Is 27 years old* Yeah, me too.

Dr.Buttocks: *Is 32 years old* What's happening to us?

Butt-ler: The agg regression?

Betrayus: Oh...

Meanwhile at the Round House Prison...

Lianna: We gotta get out of here!

Spiral: Why are you younger than all of us, Lianna?

Lianna: Because I was younger than most of the characters on the show, at age 14.

Jewel: You seem younger.

Lianna: What age am I?

Cyli: You seem to be 11 years old.

Lianna: I'm getting younger?!

Sir.C: Well, honestly when we get too young, we will seem like we don't exist because of us all being very young, we wouldn't be born yet!

Jewel: WHAT?!

Scarlett: O.O

Cylde: *Panics*

Inky: Yep. We're screwed.

To be continued...

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