Need more questions or dares!

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Pac-Man: Guys, I'm bored.

Cyli: I know, we need more comments.

Betrayus: Hey guys. I bought Lianna. *Throws Lianna down on the ground*

Pac-Man: Uh, Betrayus? Why is Lianna dressed like a puppet?

Betrayus: Because she is my little puppet. *Pets Lianna*

Lianna: G-guys.... p-please h-help me.... please. H-help me p-please.

Spiral: Why is she talking with a robotic voice?

Betrayus: It's what her new voice is.

Cyli: I think we have to beat you up to save Lianna again.

Betrayus: *Picks Lianna up* Well, she is my little puppet and she knows that you guys will never save her.

Lianna: P-please... h-help... me. *Crying*

Pac-Man: Well, anyone out there, give us questions or dares. Also, someone has to kick Betrayus's butt to save Lianna again. Please. Give us something to do.

The End.

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