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Me: Alright Pak! We have a question and a dare!

Pakistan: This is an Ask Pakistan not a dare Pakistan!

Me: Hush,I love you but We need content k? Start!

Pakistan: .... You are evil sir.

Me: A dares a dare Pak! Bangla, bring India.

Bangladesh: Oh I've been waiting for this day my whole life-

Pakistan: Why are we still here. Just to suffer?

Me: Come on, it won't be that bad!

India: Firstly, Why am I here? And second, why is she here?

Me and Bangla: *Carrying a giant get along shirt* Oh, you'll find out.

India: Wait, NO-

1O something later..

Me: Now remember, he said no fighting.

India and Pakistan: *Angry noises*

Me: Bangla start the timer, this will be fun.

Hour 1

Pakistan: Indi, I want kebabs.

India: No we're not having kebabs, you literally ate an hour ago!

Pakistan: But I'm hungggrrryyyy! And besides, you and I can't cook because we're stuck together..

India: You wanna bet?


Hour 3

India: I need to meet up with Russ, but how I'm I gonna do that with you stuck with me?..

Pakistan: No worries Bro~! I like Russ too, he won't mind me coming.

India: Seriously Pak.. Fine, let's go.

Russia: Hello Indi- Wait why are you-

India: We're stuck in this get along shirt..

Pakistan: And we can't fight either so we're bored AF.

Russia: *laughs* Well that's one way to bond you two.

India: Russ this isn't funny-

Hour 10

India: We've been doing nothing for hours. I'm just waiting for this to be over, so I can murder you..

Pakistan: Same.


India: Hey Pak, do you remember all the good times we had?

Pakistan: What..? Oh yeah, a couple I guess.

India: We used to be so close.. What happened?

Pakistan: ... Religion?

India: I know I know, but it escalated so badly.

Pakistan: Yeah,we were separated to create peace but war is still going on..

India: Hey Mujahida?

Pakistan: Yes Hassan (Hindustan)?

India: Do you really hate me?

Pakistan: .. I could never. Even If you're a but annoying sometimes, you are still my brother.

India: And you're still my sister.

Pakistan: And it will stay that way..

India: So what do you wanna do?

Pakistan: M-me?

India: Yeah! We never really spent time together, so we can do something you like!

Pakistan: Well I like poetry..

India: So we'll do exactly that! Come on.

Pakistan: Ok.

Hour 20

Sri Lanka: Omg look at those two!

Me: Ooohhh! I can't they're so adorable.

Bangladesh: I'm so happy they're getting along..

US: This is the most shocking thing of the century!

Canada: Yeah it really is.

India: Why is poetry so depressing? Not trying to be rude but-

Pakistan: It's alright Hassan, you may not understand it but I'm glad you atleast took an interest in my hobbies.

India: Anytime sis! I'm getting the hang of this poetry thing.

Pakistan: Your poems are so happy and cute!

India: Hey I'm being creative! There are too many sad poems anyways..

And they started laughing.

Hour 24

Me: Annnnd.. Times up!

India: Well, all good things must come to an end.

Pakistan: I wasn't the biggest fan of being stuck with with you but hey! Atleast we bonded.

India: See ya sis!

Pakistan: Bye! So Ghanya, you said I had a few more questions right? Ghanya?

Me: *crying tears* O-oh sorry! It was just so wholesome!!

Pakistan: Yeah yeah, on with the questions..


Pakistan: N-no I don't!

Me: You stuttered! Your lying!

Pakistan: I like Saudi but JUST AS A FRIEND GOT IT!? There's nothing between us, get your heads out of the gutter..

Me: Riiiiiiigggghhhhttt.....


Pakistan: Yeah I do! Atleast I did.. All of them were from my mother's side. My mom had 4 other siblings, The Bengal Sultanate (Aunt), Bahamani Sultanate (Aunt), Malwa Sultanate (Aunt), and the Vijayanagara Empire (Uncle). Nearly all of them had children except for Malwa Auntie. In total, I had 16 cousins. But they were unfortunately either killed by one of our aunts or uncle. Or by a foreign power. So currently,I have no cousins.

Me: Wow, that got dark.. Next..


Paksitan: My father is the Mughal Empire, who most of you hate. And my mother is The Gujarat Sultanate. Both were great parents..

Me: Well that's all of them!

BTW, The Gujarat Sultanate isn't a OC of mine. It's an actual Empire that existed. All of her siblings that I mentioned are also based off of real life and so are Pak's cousins. K? I would write all of the cousins names, but I'm not writing 17 names. You can find them yourself since they were real-

Pakistan Zindabad

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