Even More asks!!!

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Hey Author~Kun here, I'm so sorry for not updating in so long!!! High school has been taking up most of my time. Finals are coming up and I'm really stressed!!! But I'm still alive and I'll do my best to keep updating!! Sorry again!

Aph: Hey guys!! How ya all been? Sorry about being gone for 3 months, we had to do a lot of stuff! Don't ask it was just busy! Anyway, on to the first ask!!

Zane: Reading helps me calm down from a bad mood swing or emotional breakdown.

Aph: Yep! It's been happening a lot more now since he's now 8 months Pregnant! Yay!

Zane: You didn't really need to announce that..

Aph: Well I have to keep them updated, besides. I'm excited for the new baby!! Ahhhh!! *random fangirl squeals*

Zane: *rolls eyes playfully* Next question.

Zane: I just had no idea, after the doctor told me I called my parents and they came over to confirm it to me.

Aph: Yeah, and after he was ready. He told me and I exploded.

Zane: You're exaggerating

Aph: Whatever! I love babehs!!!

Zane: I gotta get out there and put food on the table. Or start dating again.. *shivers*

Aph: Don't worry Zane, I'll still be there to help. We just need to help you find the right guy to help raise your kid.

Zane: *sighs* I hope so..

Aph: I know so!

Zane: Who's your favorite side? I honestly like Logan, he's my favorite!

Aph: I can't decide between all of them!!! They're all my children!!

Zane: Vylad can't reproduce since well he's got more of his Dad's genes. Whoever that guy is, but whatever he's just lucky.

Aph: We all can't get what we want. Next Question!!

Zane: I'm everybody's favorite!

Aph: Yeah, buuuuut that's only cause you're the smol, edgy, cinnamon roll.

Zane: What?

Aph: Nothing! Well anyway, that's it for now folks. Yes, if you're wondering Zane is going to have the baby sometime in January. We don't know when, but we're getting prepared!! Until then, keep sending us asks!! Later!

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