As Requested: The RP Page

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Out or request of Eliveon_Sunshine2 and Wiccangirl377, here is the roleplaying page! If you wish to roleplay with my 3 counterparts, then do it here! But first, a few things:

▪︎Sharaug and her two counterparts exist in a modern world. They live in New York. And also, remember that (G)Sharaug and (D)Sharaug are Sharaug's COUNTERPARTS. They only really show themselves or come out if ABSOLUTELY necessary.

▪︎Sharaug is in college. So if you want to meet her, then you'll probably have to be a college student, as well. The college's name is New Your, New York University (I made it up).

▪︎I will NOT be doing lemons! Sorry if that disappoints some of you, it just makes me feel uncomfortable writing them.

▪︎If you wish to try to earn one (or all) of the Sharaugs' love, then you're going to have to earn their trust first. They won't INSTANTLY fall in love with you. They will have to develop feelings for you, first.

×For Those Who Want To Persue One (Or All) of the Sharaugs' hearts, then Type (Insert Which Sharaug Here) ♡

Okay, that's all. I hope you guys have fun!

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