Special: The Plan [Pt. 1]

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- Song -
By: Janelle Monáe
- Redone By -

~I Hope You Enjoy~

"Okay," Sharaug slammed her notepad down on her desk and stood up from her seat; making her two friends, Éliveon and Sahara, jump in surprise as they quickly turned their gazes to the brunette.

One of Sahara's ears flicked as her tail swishes behind her. She tilted her head at her friends curiously while Éliveon rose a brow and flapped her wings once.

"Um... what...?" Éliveon questioned, folding her wings behind her to give Sahara - who was sitting next to her - more room while Sharaug grinned victoriously and looked over to her friends, placing her hands on her hips.

"I've decided that we should do something this year!" The girl stated proudly as she flopped down in the middle of her two friends and crossed her legs. She took her hoodie off and threw it onto her bed before tying her hair up in a high ponytail and wrapping her arms around her two friends, grinning excitedly.

Sahara and Éliveon rose a brow in confusion, but they still smiled slightly at their friends excitement. "Oh, really? What?" Éliveon questioned as she wrapped a wing around her two friends, grinning.

Sharaug hummed and leaned into Éliveon's wing with Sahara, the two of them getting themselves comfortable.

"I have no clue!" The brunette stated proudly, and both Éliveon and Sahara sweat dropped. Sahara face palmed and shook her head, her tail flicking behind her dismissively.

"You're impossible..." She muttered, earning a huff from Sharaug as she sent her a small glare.

"Oi!" The brunette said, playfully smacking Sahara on her arm, which made the brunette chuckle as her ears flicked; up, and then down.

"I'm kidding!" Sahara said in a teasing voice as the trio snickered and fell back against the bed; now staring up at the ceiling.

"But, still," Sharaug began, sitting up and using her arms to keep herself up as she looked down to her two friends laying on opposite sides of her.

"I wanna actually do something this year." She stated in a serious voice, looking away from them and towards her front wall with a small sigh.

"I'm tired of people looking at us as if we're nothing special." She stated, her tone laced with a small hint of sadness as she crossed her legs once again and looked down at her hands, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Sahar's ears fell against her head as she sat up next to Sharaug and wrapped her tail around her, looking down at her hands as well as she played with her fingers. "Honestly..." Sahara trailed off, sighing as Éliveon sat up with them and wrapped her wing around her two friends.

"I'm tired of that, too." The brunette finally stated, hugging herself.

The trio all sighed in unison, all looking down, when Sharaug suddenly broke out into a grin and stood up, crossing her arms as a determined look crossed her face.

"Which is exactly why we should do something! But..." Sharaug looked back at her two friends and gave a small shrug of her shoulders. "What should we do?" She asked, looking to her two friends to see if they had any ideas.

Éliveon and Sahara both glanced at eachother, then looked back at Sharaug and shrugged; indicating that they didn't really have an idea on what they should do, either.

"What do you think would draw the most attention to ourselves?" Éliveon asked, placing a finger on her chin in thought as she began to drift off into her thoughts, only for her to he snapped back into reality by Sahara's tail whacking her upside the head.

Éliveon made what seemed to he a sputtering sound, and looking over to Sahara, flaring her wings. "What was that for?!" She asked, her pupils turning into mere slits as Sahara sighed and shook her head, looking away from Éliveon's 'menacing' state as if it were nothing.

"We don't need you dozing off again, that's all." The brunette told, looking back over to Éliveon and giving her a deadpanned look.

Éliveon opened her mouth, about to say something, only for her to be cut off by Sharaug clearing her throat as she looked down at her two friends with a blank look.

"Could we maybe, I don't know, stay on track? Please?" The brunette asked, placing her hands on her hips.

Sahara and Éliveon both sighed, but complied to their friends request anyways and nodded.

Soon, silence filled the whole room. The trio seemed to look anywhere but at eachother, when a knock on the door suddenly broke the awkward silence, and the three friends internally sighed in relief as Sharaug went over to her door and opened it; only to reveal Éliveon's older sister, Kida Nightmare, standing there.

"Ah, heya Kida! I didn't think you'd be back so soon." The brunette said as she stepped to the side and opened the door fully, letting Kida in.

Kida only nodded as she ran a hand through her hair and gave Éliveon a small smile.

"Neither did I, honestly." She said, folding her wings back as to not take up too much space as she walked over to Éliveon and sat next to her on Sharaug's bed.

"So," Kida began, falling against the soft mattress of the bed as she folded one of her legs over the other. "What's this plan of yours?"


To Be Continued In Part 2:

>Down the Railroad<

~Until Next Time~

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