• What my Mother is like...

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@lazy_Amane : "Can you tell me what your Mother is like?"

"My Mother is amazing. I love my Mother to the moon and back, and I have long since forgiven her for what she had done to my face. I don't blame her for any of it. This?" Shouto gestured to the scar on his face that hadn't faded. "This was my Father's fault. My Mother may have been the one that physically did it, but my Father is the one that pushed her so hard that she broke. He broke her down, he hurt her, and he quite literally drove her mad. One can only handle so much before they crack, and.." He sighed. "I just so happened to be there when everything fell.. she would have never done such harmful things to a three-year-old if she had been in her right mind."

"But, I digressed. Apologies." Shouto smiled a bit. "I could go on and on about her. She is beautiful, and has such a kind heart. She was dealt a bad hand of cards in this hectic world, and I will always aim to help make the remainder of her years the best years of her life."

"I visit her at least three times a week at the ward, and I always bring flowers.. she loves lilies. The smile on her face always makes my day. Sometimes though, I have to be careful. One of the times I went, the second I stepped into the room, she threw a vase with flowers from my last visit, at me... 'Said she thought I was Enji, seeing as she had only caught a glimpse of my red hair from the corner of her eye. I ended up with a big bruise on my forehead, a nosebleed, and a couple cuts."

The man sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I'll never forget the look of sheer horror, sadness, and pain in her eyes. She cried for that whole visit, saying things like 'all I seem to do is hurt you'. It pained me to see her like that."

"Someone so sweet and kind as her should never be put through such bullshit."

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