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Hey There! I'm Spamton! But You may know me as ((That Guy who befriended your Mom)) Kinda Guy ((HAHAHAHAHAH!!))

Anywho..considering that I'm doing this because ((Jetttwleve11)) was bored and asked me to ((Entertain the Masses)) by giving you to ask me ((So, So, Many beautiful)) Questions, Personal Questions, ((DUMBASS)) Questions, ((SAD)) Questions, Questions ((That will make you a Question existence)) and I'll Answer Them.

Ask any Question your ((Cerebrum)) can think of and I'll pick the Questions that ((Interest)) me and I'll ((Select and Pick)) the Question and answer that will become a ((BOX OFFICE HIT)) or ((A TOTAL SMASH)) and I'll answer.

Now what Are you waiting for? ((GET YOUR G##DAMN)) hands on the ((KEYBOARD)) and Start asking ((TYPING, TYPING)) and ((ASK me PLEASE!!!!)) I'll really ((LOVE)) to read your ((SEXY)) Questions.  

Oh! And ((HYPE YOU UP)) I wanna show you a Vid Made By ((Stupendium)) because that Guy is a ((BIG SHOT)) and I love Things that are ((OUT of THIS WORLD!!)) (( Though that Son a B##ch still owes me For NOT PAYING me F##KING 5 BU---))

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro