{Dream Base Sheetpost...Prank Day:}

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For the confuzzled peeps:

Dream: DreamTale

Shattered: Goopy guy lol

Sunset: DS!/Dreamswap

Dusk: CS!/Codeswitch

Sunrise: EV!/Empireverse


Dream: Hey Dusk. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dusk: What.

Dream: Let's pull a prank on our roomies:)

Dusk: ....Sure why not. Anything to make him suffer~!

Dream then pulls out two phones.

Dream: These are our roomies phones:)

Dusk: How did you—

Dream: I stole them, jk no I just.....actually I don't know how I got them.

Dusk: Ok....

Dream then gives Dusk, Sunset's phone. He also pulls out Sunrise's phone and opens it.

Dusk: Crap, there a password. Of course he has security.

Dream: EV (Dream's Nickname for Sunrise) has it too...aaaaa dang it.

Dream: We could just somehow find the passwords, or let them unlock it first.

Suddenly, an imcoming call comes on Sunrise's phone.

Dream: OH SHOOT!! WHAT DO I dO?!

Dusk: Don't answer. -_-

Dream: Ok.

The call ends.

Dream: Phew....

Dream: Okay, time to open these phones!

Dream heads into his office, where Sunrise is chilling and doing work.

Dream: Hey EV, I need help:(

Sunrise: What is it?

Dream: I want to find out Sunset's password on his phone. Could you help me?

Sunrise: oh. WhY?

Dream: I want to prank him:)

Sunrise: Oh well, uh idk how to help you. Could you just trick him into giving it to you?

Dream: IDK.

(Dream is actually trying to get Sunrise to tell him his pass on his phone lol—)

Dream: Do you have a pass on your phone?

Sunrise: Oh yeah, of course I do.

Dream: What is it?

Sunrise: I don't think you should know that...

(Much persuading later and bam, pass revealed, back with Dusk.)
Dusk: Sweetheart? Do you need any help with all that stupid work? Hmm...?

Sunset: ...

Sunset: (WTH)

Sunset: Uh no thank you. Do your own work.

Dusk: .....Fine then.

Dusk: (How can I trick this bish?!)

Dusk: I love this so much! Us just being roomies really just made my heart die inside!

Sunset: ...

Sunset: Ok...

Dusk: Are you really not going to say anything~?

Sunset: You are making me uncomfortable Dusk, stop acting immature.

Dusk: I really hate you right now. You think you better than me huh?

Sunset: I never said that, stop bothering me.

Dusk: K.

(Dusk now opens his phone to text Dream.)

"How can I get his stupid phone!"- Dusk

"Say that Dream said you two have to switch phones. Then he'll have to:)"- Dream

"Thanks for the idea:)"- Dusk

(Dusk then deletes all of the messages and then gets Sunset's attention again.)

Dusk: Peasant!

Sunset: Excuse me?

Dusk: Dream told us to switch phones...so uh. Where is your phone?

Sunset: On my desk. I don't want you in it sorry.

Dusk: Are you hiding crap from me?

Sunset: Are you hiding crap from me?

Dusk: I asked you first twat.

Sunset: How rude of you.

(Dusk then puts his phone on Sunset's desk.)

Dusk: I switched our phones already.

Sunset: Do as you please, I could care less.

Dusk: What's your pass?

Sunset: ...

(Later there was this whole thing and then Dusk finally got access. Bam.)
—————Back with Dream and Dusk>

Dream: I got it!

Dusk: Same:)

(Okay, not it might be confuzzling, but I will put the texts in a different format:)

Later that day....

Dusk was just chilling in his office before the thought of doing something evil.

He thought about giving a message to Sunrise, who was currently Dream because of the phone switch.

Dusk then opened up messages. He ignores all the other conversations and then presses the Sunrise conversation. The last thing that was typed.

"I'm gonna chill with Dream today! It's going to be great! Too bad you couldn't come:("- Sunrise.

There was no reply. Is he bitter about it? Dusk didn't really care and then started to type the sabotaging message.

"dO yOu wAnNa fUc??"- Sunset.

Dusk bursts out laughing. This was totally going to leave Sunset scarred for life. That excited him.

Dream sees the text and automatically replies cackling.

"Mmm, mE lIkEY~!"- Sunrise.

Dream continues to laugh evily in Shattered and Dark's office.

He had to chill there so he could be far away from Sunrise and Sunset.

Shattered: What's the deal?

Dream: *dying of laughter*

Dark: ....what did you do....?

Dream: Nothing:)
——————When Dusk gets the message>
Dusk: *evil giggles*

(Dusk doesn't feel bad at all lol)
——————Soon after that>
Dream: Now it's time to return the phones. Switch them back:)

Dusk: K. Already put it back on his desk.
—————-With Sunrise>
Sunrise: Yay, got my phone back! Now let's look if Dream did anything....

He opens messages.

He sees the latest message from himself.

"Mmm, mE lIkEy~!"- Sunrise.

Sunrise: HOLY CRAP OH NO—!

Sunrise deletes the message. But then he sees the message before that.

"wAnNa fUcC??"- Sunset.

Sunrise: 👁👄👁

Sunrise: WTH?!
——————With Sunset>
Sunset opens his phone.

Sunset: I am so gonna regret giving Dusk my phone...100%.

He sees a spam of messages from Sunrise.


Sunset then opens the messages.

"What did I do?"- Sunset.

"Read the messages above."- Sunrise.
"dO yOu wAnNa fUc??"- Sunset.

"Mmm, mE lIkEY~!"- Sunrise.
Sunset: ....

"I didn't write that—Dusk took my phone. My god..."- Sunset.

"Thought so, doesn't sound like you lol."- Sunrise.

Silence for a few moments...

"It was kind of funny though lol."- Sunrise.

"Jesus Christ..."- Sunset.

Dream and Dusk got in trouble but it was just a random little joke that they pulled. This is such a bad idea and filled with crack. Yeet.

P3R's Note: This was just a random idea. This is so rushed and if there are any questions about what the heck happened feel free to ask.

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