{ESCAPE ROOM PT. 2//B's vs. D's}

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Clarification: ——Dreems>
-Dream: Dreamtale
-Sunset: DS!/Dreamswap
-Dusk: CS!/Codeswitch
- Blue (US!)
- Royal (Empire! Blue)
-Marine: DS!/Dreamswap
-Kling: CS!/Codeswitch


Ink is also here btw, because he will be leading crap—
————-——It's Time to Start!>
"What?!" Blue yelled.

"There are some puzzles around this room that you have to solve in order to get out! No magic involved!" Ink explains. Ink claps.

"This will be exciting!!" Royal says and then giggles with happiness.

"But there's a catch." Ink starts. "There are two teams, and only one could win this." Ink continues. He makes these finger gestures as he explains.

"So it's like a battle? Or a contest? What's the prize?" Blue asks.

"The prize is you will get and extra 10 points added to your base which will help you guys win 1st place in the Best Base award!" Ink announced.

Blue's star eyes lit up. Best Base? The Blue Base was a crappy base, but it would make everyone happy if they heard that they won the award. That made Blue's confidence higher.

"Oh yeah. The Team's are Blue Team vs. The Dream Team." Ink adds on.
"The first clue is....you will need to find a code to unlock a keypad, which will tell you a message, the message will be your next clue." Ink planned. He was excited to watch them be stupid:)

——With the Blue's>
(They are our in separate rooms but with the same clues btw—)

Royal looks around.

"I wonder where we could find the code..." Royal says. Blue begins to search everywhere.

The room was simple, it looked cool because there were a bunch of designs in the wallpaper. There was a rug, a book shelf, and the keypad was there, but it needed to code.

Blue searched under the rug to find 4 numbers.

5-2-9-7 Is what the note said.

"Oh yay!" Royal said.

They head over to the keypad. And they type in the numbers, hoping it would unleash the next clue...but instead it stayed quiet.

"That's not the write code!" Ink yelled.

"There's more than one?" Royal said in disbelief.

"Yep! Find em!" Ink yeets a book in both rooms.
————-With the Dream's>
Dusk smirks. "I think we could win this." He says. "You're kind of a smart-ass anyway."

"Suuure.." Sunset says.

They both look around and under everything in the room. The rug looked suspicious so Dusk checked it.

"5-2-9-7..?" Dusk said.

"Oh come on, it can't be that simple." Sunset says. He grabs the book that Ink yeeted.

He then opens it to the page of the numbers and gets 4 new numbers.

"7-3-8-7..." Sunset says.

Dusk puts it into the keypad to reveal the new clue.

Keypad: "Congratulations! You have completed that puzzle! Now it is time for the final puzzle! One of you shall now enter a room where they will be left out for the rest of this game. Objective: Choose who leaves."

They look at each other awkwardly.

"Oh god—" Sunset starts.

"There's no way I'm going." Dusk says.

"Sure. I don't think you can even bother to find a way out of here. Get in the room." Sunset points at the door.

"Ugh! How dare you~!" Dusk then stomps there like a little girl and then smiles.

"Let's see how stupid—oop, I mean smart you are~! Haha!" Dusk then closes the door. There was a locking sound. Now they were both trapped in rooms, alone. GreAt.
———————The BLues!>
"You guys were too late! This is the final task! An initiation:) You will now be separated and one of you will enter a room and be out for the rest of the game!" Ink says.

"Aww come on! We were so close!" Blue said. "But now one of us needs to be lead out." Royal stated. They look at each other.

"I think you should do it." Blue said.

"I think I should too." Royal agreed.

It was nice to agree on something. Royal then exited out of the room and entered the other room where he found Dusk.

"Oh hi!" Royal waved.

"Oh great I'm stuck with you now." Dusk looks at Royal's outfit. "Medieval..? Cute." Dusk then sits on a sofa we're he starts looking for the key.

Royal nods in appreciation and then starts looking for the key as well.
——————Now back with Blue>
"Okay. Now where would the key be?" Blue wondered. He noticed how it kinda sucked to not have anyone to talk to. He enjoyed having Royal around.

But on the other hand, Sunset was enjoying his time alone looking for the key. Peace and quiet.
—————With Royal and Dusk>
Ink enters the room with an evil smile. Royal notices immediately.

"Oh hi Ink!" Royal gave a gentle wave. Ink then teleported them to a room with two prison cells. "What..?" Royal says.

It seemed that this was where Blue and Sunset would end up once they opened the door with the key. "Go in the cells. This is a team building exercise this will make your friendship stronger!" Ink pointed out.

"You expect me to enter that filthy cell. To make a bond with someone I could care less about~?" Dusk spoke. He chuckles at that insult. Royal facepalms.

"I'll go in. I really want this to be resolved." Royal says to Ink as he enters the cell. After Dusk finished laughing he reluctantly entered the cell. They then were lifted up and left on top of a lava pool.

"OH NO!" Royal screamed.

"This isn't that bad." Dusk started.

They begin to sink down.

"I spoke to soon—"

"But do you think I could tolerate this heat~? Hmm?" Dusk asks as both if them were sinking fast.

"DON'T EVEN TRY DUSK!" Royal was

A wall appears in-between the two cages making it so they could no longer see each other.

He turns to see the exit, or the place that contained Blue in the other side. "BLUE HURRY!! If you could HEAR ME!!" Royal shouts.

"I'm trying!" Blue kicks the door open. It opens. "Oh shizzle." Blue says. He sees Royal and Dream, above the lava pool.

"One of them is an illusion, (pun not intended lol) and one of them is real. Choose wisely." Ink says.

"Uhhh, I got stuck here with Royal so uh...SORRY DREAM!!" Blue yells.

"You can't just kill me!" Dream yells. They were both sinking. "I'm sorry! I don't think your real! I don't mean to sound rude!" Blue continues.

"K! Royal is your choice!" The fake Dream disappears and his cell sinks in the lava pool. Then the pool disappears and Royal is saved successfully.

"Blue!" Royal yelled happily. They give each other that sweet cliche hug and then they laugh.

"That was fun!" Blue said.

"I can't say the same thing but I have the key out of here!" Royal smiles.

"Perfect! WE'RE FREEEEEEE—-!" Blue screams. They are teleported back to there base.
"Help!!" A girl yelled.

"Shut up!" Another yelled. Sunset opens the door with key and then is given another key by Ink. "What is this for?" Sunset asks. Ink smirks.

"Go and see." Ink answers.

There was a girl and Dusk. They were both in cages above a lava pit. "One of them is real, the other is fake. You could only save one." Ink explains.

"Please help me!!" The girl continued to yell for help. Sunset was going up to the girl before the other one interfered.

"DON'T HELP THAT STUPID GIRL! Help mE~!" Dusk started to smack a spoon on his teacup to alert the chicken.

"Ok...Dusk is definitely the real one—" Sunset knew that that girl wasn't real even if he did know her. He was just going to let her burn.

He flys up to free Dusk from the cage.

"Oh hey you actually chose me~! hA!" Dusk is freed and that girl disappears. Slight disappointment filled Sunset when the cage fell, but the feeling disappeared once Ink interrupted.

"You both chose right! Now you will be teleported back." Ink says.
———Full Group Meeting!>
"It seems that you both made it but one group was faster." Ink spoke.

"Ten points will be added to the....Blue Base!" Ink announces. Blue and Royal clap joyfully. "Yay! We won!" Royal said. "I thought we lost lol. But I guess we really are great friends!" Blue chimes in.
—————The Aftermath: Blue Base>
"We won!!" Blue yelled. "You won what?" Marine asked. "We went through this short as frick escape room! And we made it out first!" Blue explained.

"I got imprisoned and I got to see lava up close! It was terrifying but the reunion made up for it!" Royal adds on.

"Good job for not dying." Kling says. Blue laughs. "You guys wanna have a sleepover?"

————The Aftermath: Dream Base>
"Great. All that work for nothing." Dusk says. Dream rushes over to them. "What happened?! Are you guys hurt! I heard that Ink planned something dangerous!! I'm sooo sooo sorry!!" Dream screamed.

"Dream, everything is fine. You freak out to much." Sunset says reassuringly.

"Oh sorry....What about you Dusk?" Dream asks. "Well I was in a cage floating over lava, DO YOU THINK IM FINE. But I got saved anyways by Church/Chicken so yeah~!" Dusk explained.

Awkward silence filled the room.

(Dusk: So now you both shut up because I speak, pitiful—)

"Time to get back to work! Ha..." Dream says.
————————-Room #2>
"That was fun. I think. It was dangerous but the lava looked cool." Dusk said. "It looked cool? Really." Sunset was actually talking to him.

Something changed. "Well, you almost chose that stupid other girl that could not stop yelling~! But it's clear I'm better than that w h o r e~!" Dusk claps as he spells it out.

"Dusk please...." Sunset frowns.

Dusk looks at all the work he has and thinks of something. "Hmm.." He Starts. He grabs all of the papers and sits down in his office chair. Then he turns about to face the back of Sunset's chair and yeets all of the papers on Sunset's desk, the papers going everywhere.

"Do it lover-boy~! Hahaha~!" Dusk yelled and then began to giggle.

Sunset glares at first but then joins in laughing. This has certainly boosted there friendship, but it won't stop Dusk from ruining the moment!

<————////EnD CrEdItS!!\\\—————>

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