Question 15

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Dusk padds in with Fenshade, her gray tabby fur lined with stars.

Dusk: So Fernshade, this is ivyleaf06 . They want to know if you have ever gotten annoyed with Stormspot?

Fernshade: I never got really, really annoyed with him. When we first started our apprenticeship, I think about a moon in, whenever I would come back from training with Frostflower, he would often come up to me and ask what we did and compare it to what he and Branchtail did. Most of the time he'd complain about it and that got annoying at times.
But as we got older he grew out of it. He started to realize that all mentors are different and all apprentices will get trained differently.

Thank you for the question! Safe travels!

Fernshade disappears leaving Dusk to wander around.

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