Question 21

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Dusk walks in with Stormspot.

Dusk: So Stormspot, KittyCats258 wants to know, why did you have kits with Bailey when you still loved Cloudwing?

Stormspot: Well while living with Bailey grew feelings for her. She took me into her nest, rescued me and healed me. She was giving me a second chance.
I wasn't there for Snowstorm, Raindrop, or Hazelbreeze. I guess I wanted to be a real father. I wanted to actually be there for my kits and watch them grow up. I knew I could do that with Bailey.
I never stopped loving Cloudwing or our kits. I just wanted a litter of kits I could actually be a father too. And I believe I did with mine and Bailey's kits.

Thank you for the question. Farewell.

Stormspot leaves with Dusk behind him.

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