Ask #4

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Tom shuffled a bit, seeing no one in the main hall, "well. Setos mentioned it before so I'm confused if we're supposed to speak about it..."

"Well, there has been another born between two guardians. He's in the Shadow Village. Maybe ask Cave about him?"

- -

"Alice is barely a month old she has to teeth," Mitch explained, "but I'll gladly take the box of cookies. Thank you."


"Countless. Mostly at Mitch before Alice," Seto shrugged, levitating a book at the moment.

- -
Most of the guardians were asleep, except for a few. Quentin and Ian were talking over a map while Mitch and Seto fawned over Alice.

"We don't technically need sleep," Ian began, "but we were all so exhausted from these past events Ethan suggested we try it more often. Adam doesn't ever wake up before noon."


Adam yawned, hair a mess. "Gold? What is that? I only know of butter."


Quentin went quiet, getting a worried look from Ian. When he looked back up he was close to tears. "If I had to change one thing I would want Ian to never have known about Jason being his original soulmate."

Ian looked at him shocked, "Quen-"

"No, no no no," Quentin shook his head, trying to rub away tears but they were spilling too fast, "don't apologize. You don't understand. You're my soulmate, and knowing you were destined for someone else hurts enough. I feel like I'm being shattered when you look at Jas."


"Everyday." Tyler nodded. Him and Jason were in there room. "I wish I told him, but at the time I didn't know how he'd react."

"Like I did," Jason answered, "but maybe less dramatic."

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