Ben Drowned...Again

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Me:Hay lets go swimming guys

Twist&Haruka; yeah sure that sound like fun

Ben:*Starts swearing and stuttering* swimming as in water

Slenderman:well of course child

Ben:oh I'm fine these no need for me to go plus there already a lot of pastas that can take my place

Me:*rolls eyes and teleport everyone to a private beach* tadah


Jeff:*Picks up Ben and throw him in the water* surprise motherfucker

Ben:h-h-help me *starts drowning*

Me:hahaha that's good acting

Alexa:I don't think he's acting

Me:*stops laughing* you sure


Me:OMG BENNNN!!! *runs towards Ben and pulls him out the water and starts doing mouth to mouth*

Sally:ooo Kat is kissing Ben *starts pointing*

Haruka:No sweetie that's mouth to's so that Ben can breathe

Ben:*wakes up* I-I'm alive *Looks at me* Thank you

Me:N-No problem

Haruka:It's not your time yet

Me:how do you know

Haruka:*Laughs* remember I'm a death goddess

Me:oh yeah

Offenderman:yeah a sexy one

Everyone:*stops and stares weirdly*

Haruka:hehe Tnx

Me:*teleports everyone home* were home...Hoodie what did u think about swimming

Hoodie:*staring at Maskey* um it was fun except I didn't know it was that dangerous

Me:what do u mean

Everyone except Ben:*points at ben*

Me:Oooh yeahhhhh


Me:Bai guys

Twist:aren't you forgetting something

Me:oh yea hey guys go check out my YouTube's mostly just gaming and music but yeah I would love it if you guys could head over there and view it link will be here

Twist:that was a lot to say

Me:yep bye bye

Ben:*faints from lack of air*

Haruka:OMG BENN!!

Me&Twist: *runs towards ben* cut the camera

Slenderman:oh ok *closes laptop*

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