~Chapter 19~

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Dream looked up."WHAT?!" She shouted. Meanwhile, Error had overheard and was already planning his own funereal. Literally.

"ErRoR, yOu NeEd To CaLm DoWn." 404 said."WhY wOuLd I bE nOt-UpSeT? I gOt EvErYtHiNg PuT tOgEtHeR aLrEaDy. DeStInY, wOuLd YoU mInD sEaRcHiNg FoR a ShOvEl? It WoUlD sPeEd ThInGs Up." Error said. Dream came in and Error quickly turned to 404."On SeCoNd ThOuGhT, i'D lIkE tO lIvE lOnGeR, pLeAsE." Error said as he grabbed his mentor."HiDe Me." He said, a bit desperate.

"Was she happy?" Dream asked. Error turned to her."UuHh.... As MuCh As I cAn ReMeMbEr, YeS." Error replied hesitantly."Then I see no issue. If you made her happy, then I have to say 'Thank You' for that." Dream said. Error then realized he WASN'T going to die, and sighed in relief."I hope she turns up again soon." Dream said.

"WeLl, GuEsS wHaT?" 404 asked with a grin."What?" Dream asked. Error quickly caught on and started to tear up a bit."Why are you crying?" Then, it clicked.

"No way...." She said. 404 nodded and Error wiped a tear."Oh my god..." Dream whispered as she smiled widely. She turned around and ran out of the room."GIRLS!!!" She shouted.

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