Dare 12

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Cookie_Werewolf : I dare FunTime Freddy to tell Ennard that he likes D too!

Bon Bon:........this is really bad.

FunTime Freddy: wait a minute, he likes her too?! Oh god........

Ennard: what's going on here?

FunTime Freddy: n-nothing!

Ennard: is there a new dare-
*was cut off when he sees the dare*

FunTime Freddy: *getting scared*

Ennard: you love D too?! She's mine!

FunTime Freddy: *was about to say something but Ennard grabbed him by the neck and slammed him to a wall*

D: *walks in the room and sees this horrific scene and gasped* ENNARD!!!! STOP!!

Ennard: *sees D and quickly let's go of FunTime Freddy's neck*

FunTime Freddy: *falls on the ground and breathes heavily*

D: Freddy! Are you okay?!
*runs to FunTime Freddy and helped him up*

FunTime Freddy: yeah......I'm okay.

Bon Bon: are you sure?

FunTime Freddy: *nods*

D: come on, you need rest.....for now.
*glares at Ennard*

Ennard: ..........

FunTime Freddy: okay...... *walks to the breaker room, tearing up*

D: *glares at Ennard* Ennard........why did you do that?!

Ennard: I-I was.........mad

D: mad about what?! What did Freddy do to you?!

Ennard: look, I'm sorry-

D: don't tell me sorry! Tell FunTime Freddy you're sorry!

Ennard: D-

D: don't talk to me until you apologize to him!
*walks away*

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