The Great Grudge: Part 3

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Nova's POV

I arrived in Inkopolis Square in one piece. I sigh. Why are those drama queens so dumb?! I walk around the Square, heading to the studio where they record. Along the way though, I see a familiar face. 

"Rosie?!" They turn. 

"Hey, Nova!" They came up. "I've been looking for you!"

"You have?!" 

"Yeah, well, I don't come to Inkopolis often, I just came to try to help with the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook. But I don't know where they live..." I giggle. 

"No problem! Follow me, I'm heading to the studio now." We walk along the streets, me telling them a little bit about the Square while we walked. 

"...and here's the Studio! Wait, hold up--" Something was off. Rope on the ground in front of the building, Pearl's crown, and... "A anger management book?!" Then Rosie turns to me with wide eyes. 

"Do you thing something happened to them?!" My heart beat faster. We ran into the building with such speed that when I stopped after seeing a room with someone in it Rosie bumped into me and we fell down. They helped me up and we look into the small room. 

Then we burst into laughter. Inside was Marina, Pearl, Callie, and Marie tied to each other on the floor while someone read something to them. They're faces were puckered, pouty, and upset. 

"..and this is why hatred toward each other is dangerous..." The person turns to us. "Nova! What are you doing here?" I jumped. It was @Hyksos2001! 

"I should say the same, Hyksos! And what did you do to them?!" 

"I was trying to solve this grudge problem with a anger management class...but they didn't want to do it, so I had to take them by...uh...force. Oh, and Faithnekomyoc!" 

 @Faithnekomyoc walks out from the corner.

"Hiya, guys!"

"How did you get here?! Me and Sunshine are the only ones who can transport here!"

"Ah, well, we uh, borrowed your band," answers Hyksos2001. "What?!"

"But we returned it last night!"

I facepalm. That band is extremely precious and old. If anything happened to it, we'd be stuck in this world forever. Well, except for Sunshine, they have a different way, one I have no idea how works.

"Well, we can't deal with that now. How do you think this will work?" I ask.

"Well, I have a whole book on this, also with some personal touches of mine."

"Yeah, and a back-up plan If it doesn't work."

"Get us out of here!" commands Pearl, struggling to break free. I walk over.

"You do know why we're doing this, right?" I ask them. Pearl growls.

"We know what you're trying, Nova, but it won't work!" yells Callie.

Classy snickers. "Well, we can leave them here."

"What?! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH THEM," begs Pearl.

I chuckle. "Hyksos, please continue." They smile and pick off where they left off.

"'Hatred and anger toward each other can lead to harm to not just the person you have hatred toward, but to others as well. To calm this anger, we start with simple practices...'"

We made Callie and Pearl say that they value them as a friend.

"No, not happening."

"Not in a million years."

We then threatened to tie them up together forever.



Then they folded they arms and pouted.

"Ugh, I, uh, tolerate you," mumbles Callie.

Classy laughs. "Totally me."

"Come on...farther," I encourage. 

"Argh. I, um, don't mind you."

"Er, dido."

"If you don't do it, guess you'll have to get used to each other..."



I smile. This was, for some reason, funny.

"'The next step in releasing grudges is entering into a friendly activity.'"

We made all the girls play with each other's hair and do their nails.

"Um, no. Makeovers are NOT my thing," states Marie.

"Aw, Marie! You'd look great with purple nails though!" cheers Callie. She rolls her eyes.

"Fine. But they aren't touching me." But we made Marina and Marie do each other, while Pearl and Callie did the same.

"Stop squirming, Cal! I'm gonna mess up your hair!"

"Your hands are so rough, though!" Pearl rubs her hands hard over her head for good measure.

"Hey!" They start fighting, which made us pull them apart.

"Uh, Hyksos, this isn't working," states Sunshine.

"Heh, well, it wasn't guaranteed it would work." I sigh. What do we do now? Hold up—a idea popped into my head.

"Hey, why don't we lock them together for a while?" They look to me with a puzzled face.


"Well, why don't we lock them in a room together, alone. Maybe it will help them realize their stupidness."

"Uh, I guess," shrugs Classy. (By the way, Sunshine is my nickname for them.)

"What do we have to lose?"




But we ignored them and put Callie and Pearl alone in a dark room, locked. And then Marie and Marina together. They of course struggled to go, but we were stronger. I so hope this works...

Pearl's POV

I sat on the floor and pout. Callie sat on the opposite side of the room, doing the same. She refused to look at me, which made me mad. A chicken, huh, Callie?

I sigh. Why were they being so mean?! We just don't like each other, that's all. They take it as if it was a big deal. I groan. Being nice to her was hard enough. Don't make me stuck with her!

After what seemed like hours of waiting, I was too bored to not talk. I was going to say something...but suddenly a small cat walked into the room with us. I recognized her immediately.

"Kitty!" cried Callie. But the cat had wet cheeks and a sorrowful look on her face. "Aww, what's wrong?" Kitty jumped into her lap and rubbed her cheek on Callie.

"I-I'm so s-sorry," whispers the cat, breaking out in quiet sobs. Callie's face softened and stroked her fur. "For what?"

"For c-causing this! If I-I wasn't there, then may-maybe this wouldn't have—" More sobs. My eyes widened. Hyksos's book was right. I guess other people do get hurt from us...Suddenly I wanted to cry too. A single tear slipped from my eye. I quickly wiped it away. Don't be soft like Callie, Pearl. Be tough. Show no weakness.

"Oh, Kitty, no, you didn't cause any of this..." She then glanced at me. "...we did." Tears threatened to spill again. I shook my head. Stop it, Pearl. She continued to stroke Kitty's fur as I stared at my feet in guilt and regret.

But my emotions were paused as suddenly the ground began to shake, and pieces of concrete fell from the ceiling. When it stopped, Callie asked, "Are you okay?" I was going to answer, but then I realized the question was for Kitty. Then a thought popped in my head. Callie then turned to me with wide eyes. We had the same thought. What about the others?

To Be Continued...

Well, hasn't this been an adventure. Ya ready for the last part? Well, I'm pumped, because then I can start the next series. Onward! 

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