A question....

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(Pretend that all those fictional characters don't exist right now)

(for the record, this wasn't a direct question)

Question: Why do you like Percy Jackson? It's weird. You just stop your obsession. I mean I understand it towards Divergent or Hunger Games, but Percy Jackson? Really? Even Harry Potter is better...weirdo.

So yeah. Someone said this to me. Right in my face. You know what I said. This is what I said.

Me:Shut up. You don't know why I like Percy Jackson. In fact you don't even know why I became attached to it! *on the verge of crying*

Bully: Geez don't cry about it...

Me: The Last Olympian.

Bully: What?

Me: The Last Olympian. Percy fought. He went through so many deaths. On his birthday. That happened to me.

Bully: What...

Me: My uncle was murdered....on my birthday.

Bully: I...uh...

Me: The Lightning Thief. The kids at Yancy ignored Percy. His only true friend was Grover. And even him someone sent done his path. I have never been popular. But I don't care.

Bully: I-

Me: The whole series. Luke. I had a close friend like him. She betrayed me. She hurt me. She's nothing but a memory. She hurt me like Luke. And boy did the Fates return the favor.

Bully: The Fates aren't..

Me: Real? Maybe they are, maybe they're not. We might never know. But really. Titan's Curse. Bianca the hunter who died for her little brother. Nico! He's all alone, facing death, his father. In fact his father is the god of death.

Bully: Is that why...

Me: *wipes away tear* Yeah that's why. I pretend he's my boyfriend. But he's not. We have so much in common. We both thought that we were betrayed by the person who cared for us most. 

Bully: But...

Me; Oh no. Nico, he wasn't. I was. Still am. I use to like Leo. But I realized, he would never like a broken girl like me.

Bully: But Calypso...

Me: Oh yeah. Huh. Guess I forgot about her. She's suffered quite  a lot. One of my old friends said she could be meant for me. You know, a character based of of me. You know what I replied?

Bully: *shakes head*

Me: At least Calyspo kept hope for all those years. Even after she fell in love. They came, they left. It was simple. And here I am, already losing the hopes of a Nico or Leo out there for me.

Bully: Why?

Me: I guess....I'm the kind of person, who needs to be told that she is wanted. That she has friends to hold her back. I know I'm strong. I know, although at times it seems like other wise, that I have a good life. I would never end my life. That's stupid and pointless. Like cutting. But feeling sorry for yourself?

Bully: What's wrong with that?

Me: If someone feels sorry for you, they care for you. If you feel like your life is worse than another person's life it is...weak. Your saying, "Well your life is easy!"

Bully: But what if it is?

Me: It never is.

Bully: The rich?

Me: How do you think it feels, not having anything to do for yourself? Savoring the few moments of recognition your parents give you?

Bully: Bad I guess...

Me: You guessed right. No one's life is easy. No one's life is harder than anothers. But if you compain about your own, that makes your life as easy as it gets.

Bully: Your still weird.

Me: For what? Feeling like I have a connection with Percy? For feeling like my life is his?

Bully: Duh.

Me: All our lives are like his. We fight battles, we see friends come and go, we get betrayed.

Bully: We don't fight.

Me: If someone you love is dying, your fighting to stay strong.

Bully: Well...

Me: If your crush is dating your ex-bestie your fighting away the pain you feel of betrayal. If your friends or even parents, are fighting, you feel small and helpless even if your already in jr. high...

Bully: Are you...

Me: Do you now how many nights I've stayed wide awake, or cried myself to sleep, thinking of...

Bully: Of what?

Me: Everything... Pain, betrayal, death. 

Me: *turns to face bully* And if you think that my love for a book series is weird. Well than *smirks and shakes head* you've never been touched by the power a book can have on you. It can inspire you, comfort you, break you down. So don't you dare call me weird.

Bully: Why?

Me: Go figure that out yourslef. he day one of the books bring tears to your eyes will be the day you understand me.

Bully: So what? Give my self a paper cut?

Me: Don't make fun of books. Some where out there, a little girl or boy has ADHD and or dyslexia or cancer maybe (on Frank's behalf, lactose and tolerant) and the only thing that keeps them fighting the endless insults they might receive, is a book series. hey want to know what happens next. Or maybe...

Bully: Uh...

Me: In Percy's case, the only thing that makes keeps them alive, is knowing that they aren't alone. There are others, who have the same abilities as themselves.

Bully: You mean...disabilities right?

Me: No. We all have abilities. Never dis-

Bully: But what about mental kids?

Me: *smirks* They get to see the world in a different perspective...

Bully: I still don't...

Me: If you still don't understand....Then, go figure out the rest.

Bully: *whispers* freak...

This happened to me just recently. About a week or two. No, I'm lying. It was sooner than that. But that person is a hypocrite. The Percy army, has a new recruit. She's in the same school as me and has just finished reading "Titan's Curse" She was touched by both Bianca's and Zoe's death. Nico's break down as well....


Any way... Now for a question! I'm really tired and teary from the question above so it will be short. Oh! And you can stop pretending they're not real.

Dear Seven,

Cinnamon challenge, Chubby bunny challenge,lemon challenge , or...a math test...

- chookie372

Leo: Cinnamon Challenge!!!

Percy: Lemon!!!

Jason: Chubby bunny!!!

Annabeth: Math test.

Jason, Leo, and Percy: *gasp*

Jason: Percy your dating a mad woman!!

Leo: Quick dispose of this...creature!!!

Annabeth: -_-

Leo: Ah! Sheild yourselves! She might try to turn you to...

Frank: Stone?

Leo: Worse...a nerd! 


Hazel: *faints*

Piper: Come on Hazel, breath breath.

Percy: My own girlfriend?

Nico: It's just a math test,

Leo: You shut your mouth! *slaps face.*

Nico: *blinks*

Leo: *hand goes through him and he slaps himself* OW!!! Percy broke Nico!

Percy: WHAT!?

Nico: No... I'm dead.

Frank: Haven't you always?

Nico: Well on the inside. That was emotional.

Me: How did you die?

Grover: Drakon?

Hazel: *sobbing* Leo?!

Leo: It wasn't me! Someone beat me to it...

Percy: *face palms*

Nico: I wish. I was in town when I got caught in a stampede of students...

Me: No, you had to no!!! I should have been me!

Nico: Yeah. I got taken into a class room where I took a...

Leo: Don't say it!!! *tries to hit him mutliple times...*

Leo:*fails multiple times,* Ow! Ow! Oh the pain!!!

Nico: Yes I took a... math test!

Piper: *faints* Oh gods...

Annabeth: You guys are over reacting.

Me: Here! *hands her a math test while wearing special suit and breathing decontaminated air*

Annabeth: *rolls her eyes and begins*

Leo: I thnk an atom got on me! I can feel my self getting smater! Pi= mc something, eggs and other math-y things!

Percy: *uncaps Ripide* Sorry man. Nothing personal... Charge!

Leo: *runs around in a circle* AHHHHHHH!!!!

Annabeth: Uh...guys?

Me: She's...dead.

Annabeth: There is an explanation, I'm sure of it.

Me: Don't worry we all know what it was.

Everyone: *nods*

Annabeth: What?

Jason: We told you,

Hazel: But you didn't listen.

Piper: The math tes killed you...

Percy: NNNNNNOOOOO!!!! I lost my girlfriend to a bunch of numbers!!!!

Rachel: I'm still here...

*Lights go out and Percy screams*

Me: *turns lights on* Where's Percy?

To be contiuned...

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