Unicorn_Pusheen's Question...well challenge

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Question: Hello I'm awesome. Anyway my question is more of a challenge then it is a question I want u guys to have a cooking challenge! With gods as the judges! SkylarandSparky can choose the contestants but I really want to see what she can make of this! The winner gets my magical Pie of magical ness!

Love magical pies of magical ness and cats that can shoot lasers from there eyes(don't ask)


Percy: Bring it on!

Me:Your not in it.

Percy: Aww:(

Me: Just kidding! I was totally kidding, brother!

Percy: :).

Leo: I have taught u well

Me:Your not in it either.

Leo: ohh trying to prank an old master are u? Well it's not gonna work.

Me: I'm not kidding.

Leo: :(

Me:JK! JK Taekwondo! (Yeah that's were I take my Taekwondo classes just saying..)

Leo: I love you


Leo: What who said that?! *blushing like crazy*

Me: Your pants are on fire...again.

Leo:Really I hadn't noticed!

Percy: I got it. You still gotta practice.

Me:Anyway now to the main event!

Zeus: Well me and the others of the Three will be judges

Hera: ahem.

Zeus: ? Oh. Aw yes. And Athena and Artemis, Apollo, Hermes,Aphrodite,Demeter , Hecate, Hephaestus, Nike, Nemesis,oh and Dionysius then it will really be party! *keeps naming every god and goddess...except Hera.*

Zeus:And Finally


Zeus: SkylarandSpary! The goddess of books,writing, Wattpad suffering and assistant goddess of music love, medicine.

Hera:*eye twitches * Seriously?! WHAT....ABOUT...ME.,?!?!

Zeus:oh yeah.... You too honey... -__-

Hera:Yes! Finally!

Me:well anyway...I'll be the narrator. So the contestants shall be...

Leo Valdez

Percy Jackson

Piper McLean

Jason Grace

Annabeth Chase

Frank Zhang

Havel Levesque


Nico:Please don't be Nico I mean me. Please don't be me. Please don't be me...

Me:And Thalia Grace


Me:oh and Nico di Angelo


Me:Yyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeesssssss! Geez,can't u here?


Me: Okay.... Any way contestants here are the rules

1.U can make any thing you would like that is mortal food. No making ambrosia or godly nectar. Not that u know how

2. You cannot sabot ash any other contestants food. I'm looking at you Nico!

Nico: *puts down nuclear weapons* :(

Me: 3. Who ever makes the best food and receives the most likes from the gods and goddess wins! Let the demigod cook off begin!On your mark....get set.... Go!!!

Leo's POV

I was making my master tacos. My mom taught me how to make them when I was little. I would help with little things like stirring the sauces or sprinkling the cheese. Of courser his was before Hera....Juno whatever! Made me kill her... :( I need a moment...

Zeus: You better not cry into those tacos!

Poseidon: I'm fine if you do. What? I like salt water!

Piper's POV

I have no idea what to make! Oh wait! I got something!

Nico's POV

I honestly don't care.

Percy's POV

I was going to make my mom's famous blue foods. Well I'm making cheese burgers but I added food coloring to the cheese so now sits blue. Blue cheese! Get it. It's a type of cheese. But it's really...cheddar cheese... Hope you don't get cut....cause...it's...sharp cheddar...

Me:Percy Stop embarrassing me.

Percy:Shut up Sky!

Annabeth's POV

I'm making pie.

Thalia's POV

I dunno, Cake I guess.

Jason's POV

Deep dish pizza pie! I am talking in a Italian accent! Can any of you tell? *every one in the audience shakes their head* :,(

Hazel's POV

Old Fashion gumbo. Yum.

Frank's POV

Chinese take out.

1 and 1/2 hour later....

Zeus: contestants time to judge your trash. Oh. What's that? It's ... Really are you sure. Well um apparently it's good edible non poisonous food.

Me: what made you think it wasn't?

Zeus: the fact that Annabeth's pie just winked at me.

Hera: I'm losing my husband to a pie! What's next a dog's butt?

*each god and goddess tastes the demigods food. Here are the reactions to each dish from randomly selected gods and goddesses*


Zeus: mmmm.... Very nice Hazel. It was a nice thick hearty gumbo. Good enough to heal any one. Apollo ask here to make your remedy stews I think she'll be a lot better at it.

Apollo: >:,[

Hecate: Wonderful next time though use bolder spices okay?

Demeter: Delicious. Especially those organic veggies. I remember growing them. It feels like it was just yesterday.

Persephone: Mom, it was yesterday. I just came back from Hades death hole!

Hades: hey! I will have you know it is a death prison not death hole!


Poseidon: I seriously hope those weren't dolphin hot dogs cause I want another! Pass the sea salt and ketchup please.

Hera: I must say I have never enjoyed eating mortal food but that was quite adequate.

Apollo: I love this so much I wrote a haiku ahem:

Warm crispy buns,

Thick fat long juicy wieners yum,

Nico has won this.

Hermes: we haven't even judged the others Apollo!



Zeus:* currently unavailable is throwing up*

Poseidon:*currently unavailable being helped by Apollo*

Demeter: *currently unavailable throwing up and waiting to be helped by Apollo*

Athena: *currently unavailable wishing she had been attacked by spiders or had lost the contest between her and Arachne*

Artemis:*currently unavailable throwing up on Apollo*

Apollo:*currently unavailable cleaning up Artemis's barf.*

Aphrodite: Honey, I'm the goddess of beauty and your pie is the exact opposite of me! Might as well be my opposing Titan opposite!


Zeus: I love your burger. Very tasty.

Poseidon: love the blue cheese, reminds me of your mom...

Hermes: Love the bun! That was a pun. I love the pun I love the bun. No. Nothing. Come on! It took me an hour to come up with that!

Poseidon: I wonder what Sally's doing right now...


Artemis: Good cake but personally I'm not a fan of coconut

Hephaestus: Gimme more! I've never tasted something so strong! This will keep me up longer than coffee does! Now I can work on those late night projects...

Thalia: Sorry I accidentally but in five bags of sugar....

Hephaestus: I don't care, it's so yummy! So good so....sleepy...

Aphrodite: don't worry. he has the same effect with coffee...

Poseidon: I wonder what she's thinking about right now...


Me:pizza pie. I would say I'm not a very big fan but I like it. Good for you Jason.

Zeus: it could be. Better.

Hera: now I've seen a lot of mortal foods though I have never tasted such a messy, tasty treat like this!


Nike: I think we have a winner! And trust me Leo, I know all about winning. Why do you think that the gods don't let me come to there annual picnic games?

Zeus:Yeah that's why.

Dionysius:Would be better if you had as drink wine instead of horchata.

Leo: But it's so good!

Me: I agree with him pass the ice please.

Leo: You really liked it?

Me: * nod*

Leo: :0 :)


Me: I love pasta! Pass the Parmesan cheese!

Nemesis: I envy you for having such great cooking skills.

Artemis: can I place my order for the annual hunters picnic party?

Piper: I guess?


Zeus: very original

Hera: can I have more soy sauce?

Dionysius: I've seen better meals and I once died with harpies!


1.................Leo Valdez

2...............Piper McLean

3...............Nico di Angelo

4...............Percy Jackson

5,...............Jason Grace

6..............Frank Zhang

7..............Hazel Levesque

8..............Thalia Grace

9........Annabeth Chase

Annabeth: I got last?!?! I'm going to get you for this Skylar!

Me: Who's Skylar?

Leo: Yeah I taught her everything she knows...

Me: No. Really who's Skylar?


Well that was.....a chapter hope you liked it please vote and leave comments below! I'm so happy almost at 100 followers and already at 122 votes in total! Thank u all so much for reading my books!


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