148: Happy Fox

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From MasterHand4444 :

*Pats Fox on the back* There, there, Fox. You'll get that hug... TheFoxMcCloud, make Krystal give Fox a biiiiig hug!

Fox McCloud: *still writing furiously, mumbling to himself while continuing his angry letter for Masterhand4444* "Oh, hey Krystal, what's up?"

Krystal: *says nothing but wraps her arms around Fox from behind, squeezing his neck to the point of nearly choking him*

Fox McCloud: *stops writing and turns around, blushing* "Thanks, Krystal, and thanks Masterhand4444."

Krystal: "So, are you going to give up writing that nasty letter?"

Fox McCloud: *stares down at his horrific masterpiece, feeling ashamed* "Alright, I'm done," he sighs while crumbling the paper up and tossing it in the trash.

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