151: "Now it gets serious!"

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(Firstly, does anyone know the reference above? It's a quote from Star Fox somewhere, whoever guesses it gets a cookie! Idk lol but can you guess or do you know?)

Question from CrazyMetroid101 !

I have a question to the whole team:

And it's a serious question...

What's your favorite cereal?

Fox McCloud: "Alright, this is a serious one guys. Let's go down the line here, I'll have to say my favorite is.... Captain Crunch."

Krystal: "That's a tough one. Mine would probably be... Life Cereal."

Slippy Toad: "Sugar Smacks for sure! There's a frog on the box!"

Falco Lombardi: "I love those Cocoa Puffs! Mmmmmm..."

(I somewhat made those up randomly, but not really because there's actually a reason behind every one... So I guess it's not random after all? XD)

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