176: A Fox and a Screwdriver

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Request from Pikochu :

Hmmmmmmm..... Let's give Fox a screwdriver and see what the first thing he does with it is.

*suddenly a screwdriver appears in Fox's hands*

Fox McCloud: "Um... How did this get here?* stares down at it with a puzzled look on his face. Then his look of confusion turns to a wide grin*

*he suddenly jabs Falco in the ribs with the screwdriver, and then tosses it over to Slippy, who unsuspectingly catches it in surprise*

Falco Lombardi: "Why you little-"

Slippy Toad: "Hey wait! What did I do? Heeeeelllllllpppppp!!!"

*Falco starts chasing Slippy down, while Fox just laughs to himself*

Krystal: "Why'd you do that, Fox?"

Fox McCloud: "I don't know, a screwdriver just appeared out of nowhere and it seemed like a good idea."

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