Question 16 and 17 maybe?

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From CrazyMetroid101 again!

Hey, Fox. How's it going? Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but what did you feel like when it was announced that your father was dead? Don't feel left alone, my father died from a seizure in my living room, while my brother and I were asleep.

Back to a happier topic: Another question for you, Fox! Who is your greatest friend in the Lylat System?

Fox McCloud: "Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that @CrazyMetroid101... Hope you and your brother are doing alright, it's so sad to lose a parent so young... This comes from @TheFoxMcCloud as well, he is sad to hear that."

"When I was first told about what happened to my father, James, I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I immediately tried to deny it, but knew in my heart that there was no mistaking it. I was filled with bitter sorrow beyond description. I thought my fury towards Andross could not have been greater after the death of my mother, but losing my second parent to the evil ape sent me into an even darker place of bitterness and contempt."

"My father was my greatest role model. He was a legendary pilot, a skilled marksman, and especially, a loving father. I could not be more devastated at his loss, especially at such a young age when my mother was already gone. I heard that even Peppy, the only survival of Pigma's betrayal, was not certain what happened to James. No one knows for sure, but he was and still is considered dead. More than once, I have heard his voice in my head as if he was right there with me. When I faced the Aparoid Queen, she tried to use my memory of James to decieve me, but I did not back down. I may not know what exactly happened to my father, but I still have a small glimmer of hope that he may have survived Pigma and Andross' betrayal somehow..."

"Don't feel bad about asking something like this, it all happened many years ago and I am comfortable talking about it now."

"For your second question, I'd have to say that my best friend in the Lylat System would have to be-"

Slippy Toad: "Me, of course!"

Falco Lombardi: "No, you clumsy amphibian! Surely I am his best friend, right Foxy?"

Fox McCloud: "Well, guys..." *Glances at Slippy on his left and Falco on his right, both eagerly waiting for an answer* "Actually, I think I was going to go with Krystal..."

*Both Falco and Slippy drop their jaws in astonishment*

Fox McCloud: "I know I have known you both since back at the Academy, but Krystal and I are pretty close now, too... Believe me, it's hard to pick just one best friend in Lylat, but, well, you know how I feel about Krystal..."

Falco Lombardi: "Yea, yea, whatever!" *Storms away, slightly angered. Slippy sighs and follows him away*

Fox McCloud: "Don't worry about them, they aren't really that bummed. They probably figured I'd say 'Krystal' anyway."

Lucy Hare: "Come on, Fox! What about me?"

Fox McCloud: "...Here we go again..."

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